What are the difference's between ps5 and pc besides launches
1 year ago
United States

What are the difference's between ps5 and pc besides launches

United States

You can do launches on PC, so the only difference would be PS5s Activity Cards which is only used in 100%

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
United States


Vienna, Austria

How can you do launches on Pc? I can't find any tutorials or anything like that.

United Kingdom

you put the game on non full fullscreen then alt+enter a bunch

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
United States

There's another method that skeed kangaroo posted on youtube

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Regarding PC runs

Please downpatch to a previous version since the load remover currently doesn't work on the latest patch. Hopefully it will be fixed at a later date.

1 month ago
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