2 years ago
Colorado, USA

What are the rules for submissions? Also when does time start and when does time end?

gugollo aiment ceci
Lombardy, Italy
Super modérateurgugollo
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Currently i was discussing with another member that would like to partake in the speedruns of smithworks since they considered my start of the timer awkward. I've been starting the timer as soon as i press start in the lobby, but i've been pointed out that it gives an unfair advantage to people with a better rig since they are likely to load in faster and it should start directly from in game. While for the end i've been ending my timer at the delivery to the last npc the last item (Right when the ending screen would appear) For the rules i am writing them down but by far they are something like this, normal speedruns are required to just finish the level or the entire game without actually caring about what you give to the npc, as long as you manage to get through the level (even with 2 failed orders) you are fine, on the other hand if you wanna race for the 100% speedrun you'll have to complete all the orders at 100% accuracy. If you have any type of concern or need help regarding anything else lmk!


Further note, you can move some for a second or two while still in the loading screen and it's impossible to predict that for timing so until we get an autosplitter I think this works best.

Colorado, USA

So when should the timer start? You said it’d give an unfair advantage to a better rig if the time started on pressing the start button, so why not say that the timer starts as soon as a player starts moving? That way you can also wait on friends in multiplayer to load in and count down to start moving and start timers

gugollo aiment ceci

Yeah that's fair, for solo at least I propose that the time should be counted from when it says "waiting for player" on the loading screen as that is when you gain control of the player. You can then just look back at the recording and subtract the time between starting the timer and that point from your final time.


generally with other speedruns i've done the mod will retime it or smth, so i think we should use the timer as a guide (make sure to stop the timer a bit after the final customer holds the thing in their hand) and then going back to check the recording to work out the true final time

Colorado, USA

Also, what is considered a "win" for finishing a level? Is it having 3 stars at the end of the game? Is it not having 3 failed orders after serving all customers? If you have 3 stars but also 3 failed orders does the run count? If you finish with only 2 stars does that still count as beating the level?

Lombardy, Italy
Super modérateurgugollo
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

There are two separate modes atm, right now it's considered beating the level when you manage to get through without having 3 failed orders (so a maximum of 2). On the other hand if you wanna compete for the 100% you'll have to get the orders right and as you might have guessed 100% them. We ended up changing the rules and the timer have to start as soon as the host starts moving in the shop.

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Publié 2 years ago
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