Long Jump That Activates Reversible Panels
Long Jump That Activates Reversible Panels
Mis à jour 7 years ago par Mayberry

When spinning, Mario can cancel the spin by crouching. This can be followed by a long jump. If performed correctly and optimally, you should never seen the spin but the game still considers Mario to have spun. This can activate the reversible panels in Flip-Swap and other galaxies that feature them.

In addition, you can also perform a spin after the long jump. This means you can get the full distance possible between two panels of the same color. Just perform the spinning long jump, then spin whenever you need to.

I did not discover this trick and I am not taking credit for it. If any of this is wrong, please correct it (by messaging me on Discord).

I also will try to make a video and attach it to this post later.

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