Why Do People Use The Japanese Version For Runs?
I know that the FDS is Japanese but for D-4 Any% and D-4 Warpless, why do people use the Japanese version?
For Lost Levels Warpless, there are no meaningful differences between Japanese and North American. S&Q is 73 ( I think) frames faster on J, but last I checked, those frames were removed from final time for any% D-4 runs on US carts/rom. People who run other games on SMAS like the J-cart, specifically the J 1.0 cart, for faster reasons in those other games.
They use the Japanese version because you can grab the flagpole backwards and it saves some frames
New Category: Any% D-4 (No S+Q)
We have added Any% D-4 (No S+Q) as a category, to allow runners to speedrun Any% D-4 continuously from 1-1 to D-4.
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