1 year ago
Victoria, Australia

I have a few questions about how LRTs are calculated in this game.

I know that in level Speedruns, the LRT time is shown at the end of the level, however for whole level Speedruns, what counts as a load? Do cutscenes count as loads? Does dialogue count as loads?

Also, what is the best way to time these loads and should I do this myself?



Ltr is only used for full game or RTA Level runs that have loadscreens.

Ltr is handled by Verifiers as its our job to make sure runs are timed correctly. Tho if you can help it for Level Runs please only enter time without loads. (Even if its not correct when submitting, it saves us time when editing the time) It is only load screens themselves that are removed. So no dialogue or character swaps are removed. They are removed for In-game time tho.

So basically You as the runner don't have to worry about getting the loadless time correct yourself. And its ONLY the loadscreens that are removed.

I hope this reply atleast kinda helps.

AntBlueR aiment ceci
Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Emulator Category for Any% and Any% Glitchless

We have added a category for runs done on emulator under Misc, Due to people requesting for emulator to be allowed. If there turns out to be enough demand for emulator runs. We will turn it into a subcategory for all main categories.

Please read the FPS cap rules before submitting an emulator run.

1 year ago
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