Finish time action
3 years ago
Fyn, Denmark

During a stream of the game we got to speak about when the timing is supposed to stop. Currently the rules state "... as soon as you click on the escape pod (last action in the game)", but both the 2nd and 3rd best (non-obsolete) run (by webfischi and JulianRikku) don't finish it until they enter the escape pod.

Personally I think it makes most sense to finish the timing when they enter the escape pod as we might in the future find a way to get to it quicker - and thus the animation between clicking and entering might make a difference. Furthermore it can be hard to tell when the speedrunner clicked the capsule (even though it's quite clear in most cases).

In that case the rules should just be changed to "... as soon as they enter the escape pod".

It's a minor thing, but would be nice to figure it out so the timings can be streamlined :)



i don't have a problem with this ^^ i'm gonna make a submission with the time using old rules but we can retime it if we decide on this change. (it's still a sub-20 WR and the run has a lot of improvement left)

Anigif aiment ceci

I dont have a problem with that either :) But the important thing here is, how can we get the game to work prob. on modern systems. Im playing the game with the program DXWND in windowed Mode, in fullscreen the game crashes

Sadly the game stucks for me on this screen: Anyone who knows the solution to this? (right after the intro sequence played)

Fyn, Denmark

Have you done anything special within the game or did this happen the first time as well? Try reaching out in the Discord (there's a channel for this game), people might be able to help there as well :) Invite:

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