Hello! Since ntzm is not very active on SRC anymore, I'm looking for a new moderator, preferably one of the top 3 runners in Any% (Nihen, 1Kick234 and trenchmarian). I currently have a pending run, and I don't want to auto-verify runs on a board with other runners. Don't hesitate to respond if you are interested. The board is not having a lot of activities lately, so you won't be very busy anyway!
After more than a month of waiting, I decided to self-verify my run, so leaderboard will be accurate. Nihen watched my run and said it was legit, even though they don't want to be a mod (Which I understand). I'm still looking for a new mod, because I'd like to avoid self-verifying more runs. You can DM me or answer this thread if you are interested.
(Quick note: after this post, I'm not gonna be available for a week. I'll answer you after if you respond to my request)