Где получить версию с таймером , и как делать лаг свитч?
Я играю на чистой версии шрека в ней нету таймера , лаг свитч бинда , что скачать?
You can get the timer through this mod: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/90179108096450560/875642588332425226/MasterToolzPatch.zip
You can get the lag switch bind through: https://www.bandicam.com/downloads/
Ask in the Shrekciety Discord if you need more assistance: https://discord.com/invite/0VEIly8qa8WUZAzV
veschii_nevstrui et Lambda_PeopIe aime ceci
[MAJOR CHANGES] Yet Another Leaderboard Overhaul
There's quite a lot of room for improvement I've noticed on our leaderboards. I've talked with some others, got help from others, and applied a lot of changes I think everybody should overall appreciate. If you have any questions, let me know in the Shrekciety Discord. Cheers!
- A
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Walking The Path (Hamlet)
Niveau: Fairy Godmother Battle
Niveau: Prison Break (Prison Steed)
Niveau: Walking The Path (Hamlet End)
Niveau: Walking The Path (Hamlet Mines)