New Category : individual Levels
6 years ago
United States

as simple as it sounds, Runs for each individual level on each game, shovel knight / plague knight / specter knight.

Rules Timer Starts on level select Timer Ends with Last Hit To Boss

Tennessee, USA

We originally had this but it got removed for reasons which I don't remember. I would like to see them return though, even if they had to be on the memeboards.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
matthieurappeneau aiment ceci
United States

We've discussed bringing them back, the primary deterrent is that we could only have ILs for NG+ and Low%, because you can't quite determine the set of items you "should have" in Any%.

Tennessee, USA

Yea, I had suggested awhile ago creating a variable option to distinguish what items were used, and these variables can be sorted as such (I dunno I still think its a good idea).

United States

i think it should just be New Game and New Game plus and anything Goes, whatever you have available to you you can use, that's the easiest way to deal with the problem of what you should or shouldn't have

Tennessee, USA

Yes, but this ruins the point of having the fastest any% IL's because these are meant to demonstrate what the IL would look like in a speedrun.


That would be cool :)

Michigan, USA

They existed a long time and weren't popular and were an eyesore. The boards were changed to look cleaner awhile back.

Michigan, USA

You could see every level on the sidebar just for it to be an empty board or a board with 1 or 2 runs.

OddBod et AquaBlake aime ceci
Tennessee, USA

Wouldn't it make sense to move them to the meme boards then? Because tbh, that's essentially what the meme boards look like anyway. (imo)


Y'all could keep a leaderboard yourself in an excel or something if y'all really want to runs ILs


For Kingdom: New Lands we also had the problem, that there is a huge difference in what items you bring to a level. Therefore we did the individual level category split into two things. A "clean" category, where you play without items you brought and a "takeovers" category, where you can bring things over from other levels.

You could do something similar for IL for Shovel Knights, like a "no items" and a "with items" category.

M0nkeyscratch aiment ceci
Tennessee, USA

I did put together a doc of Plague gold splits but clearly people weren't too enthusiastic about it. Also @Fragbringer we have the Low% and NG+ categories which is basically what you're describing but the issue is that for the any% category you are technically allowed to get every item up to said IL but what we're looking for is IL's with out preferred route.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
United States

what if for IL you dont need to start from a new save file, timer just starts upon level select, and you could have played the level before, it makes it easier for having rules or routes and all that, but say if there were 100% IL runs you would have to start from a new save file or from a non played level, just like an idea, just spitballin

Tennessee, USA

This is how we did IL's before

United States

whats wrong with having them like that, it seems like what people had a problem is was that no one ran them and it was just empty boards, it should be an option for the people who want to be able to run those, i just feel like it should be there for those who want to do it.

Tennessee, USA

That is the way I think it should be done but if more people say otherwise then majority rules unfortunately.


IL's can feel like a wasted effort if very few people are gonna run them.

I might attempt IL's if they become a thing but learning the route for the full game feels waay more satisfying.

Also to note, ive seen many forums where a group of people bug for IL's but never end up doing them.

United States

well, even if its just an option for people to run honestly whats wrong with just having the option there, if people run it then people run it, and some people might not have time to learn the whole game, or might not even want to, some people might only like doing individual levels. and for the people who do individual runs it could just be like a rivalry if its such a short list of people playing, id make friends with the people who would run them and i would try to make friends with those people and just try to have a friendly competition. i just overall think the option should be there for the people who want to run them and who ever doesnt want to run them then they dont have to run them

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