Take PC & Console leaderboards apart !
5 years ago

Dear Mods , Leaders , Runners , Members of Silent Hill

More runners are struggling with the fact they can not compete against the PC versions of Silent Hill.

A lot out there are running on console and they do not find it fair against the PC runners.

I ask all the mods from Silent Hill to look into this matter. So we can have Console Leader board and a PC leader board.

Then we can all run fair.

Greetz Mies


Hello, i have to say that you have your point. Since load times are faster in pc. The thing is the majority of the runners are in pc. There are only 9 runners on console, and a few of them runs pc aswell. I guess if u start doing runs on the ps2 you will give mods an incentive to finally split the leaderboards.


Thx for the reply @Urie. I do run atm only at consoles. SH1 & SH2 and start with SH3 and SH4 soon. I think more runners are out there bud they dont want to submit on the leader board. Or wont speak up. because it does not matter. I just want to get the word out and hope they gonna work on it.

muskn et Tamster aime ceci
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Minor but Important Change: IGT Must Be Shown on PC Runs

Going forward we will be requiring a visible IGT timer on submissions on the PC version, preferably using the LiveSplit script. Most people already do this, but we're making it mandatory to make run verification easier. Thank you for your understanding.

Runs submitted prior to this change will no

2 years ago
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