Does anyone have info about game clear/special weapons use formula
2 years ago

Like the title says. For 10 star runs i plan to use katana and/or blaster.

However i do not know how much uses i'm allowed for 7+ game clears.

So all i want is to know how the formula is calculated. Thanks,


Not sure on those stats specifically but if you have a way to transfer my save I have a 99 clears save in resources and you can use Katana A LOT.

MasterDarkseid aiment ceci

Okay so i come back with more information however i'm not 100% sure about them but they should somewhat accurate. every game clear add 5 extra use for special weapon (Not sure about blaster but pretty much sure for katana).

So a 10 game clear should give a 50 times use and +5 for each game clear before and after that. Capped to 99 game clear. That's a lot of uses.

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