Suggestions for categories?
6 years ago

Let me know in the comments below!


For Online servers i'd say Escape% for Scientist and Class-D prisoners. Also where we can state the IP of the server this happened on and how many players where currently playing (ie a run would only count with 13 + players so the maximum SPCs as enemys are there, to make it as hard as possible). The random seeds and never knowing how every player will behave make this game so incredible fun to run because every run anything can happen :D

I also got a run for this, took me 2 attempts after training for 12 hours :D

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago

Sounds good to me ^^ But how to actually set up the rules for this? People could disconnect from the server when you are doing a run. And if the SCP's are your friends, they won't attack you. (The random seed makes it more of a run ofcourse ^^)

Just wondering how to set this up properly.


Online Escaping is something I'm not really a fan of. As Seydie said; people could disconnect, SCP's could potentially be friendly, etc. Not only that, but you could very easily have a friend on the server to help you escape which would be unfair to those who don't. I'm not against this being a category, I just think that it'll be extremely difficult to actually set up rules for this.

Offline Escaping is easily plausible though; on the main menu hit Play -> Create Game -> Okay and you'll be sent to the "Waiting for players" screen with the option to Force Start the game. There is no way to configure the local server's settings without opening the console, which means you'll be getting a random seed every game, and you'll spawn as D-Class every game. Timing could start on pressing "Force Start" and end as soon as you're teleported to Chaos spawn. I would just call this "Offline Escape%". Videos would have to show the runner creating the server to ensure that the seed is random.

Another idea is a single segment tutorial run. This would just be to complete every tutorial in order, start to finish in one sitting.

Warlord_Sdocy aiment ceci
Oregon, USA

Another possible run could be a run to set off the nuke on an offline server. Could be named something like "Nuke%" or something. But yeah i do agree that runs on a server would be hard to make rules for and enforce due to DC's and friendly SCP's.

Lagloyavich aiment ceci

I actually thought about Nuke% but I forgot about it! I really like the idea.

Warlord_Sdocy et Seydie aime ceci
Bretagne, France

Maybe a category like "05-Card%" (getting a 05 card fastest as possible offline) I like categories like this personally (and some friend too).

"Another idea is a single segment tutorial run. This would just be to complete every tutorial in order, start to finish in one sitting." i agree with this one.

Seydie aiment ceci

I do like the idea of all tutorials, there is only one thing before adding this category. Probably over the months, they will add more tutorials to the game (Current message states they are coming soon). Do we add more 'All tutorial' subcategories if more tutorials are released?

05-Card% seems pretty interesting in my opinion.

I was also thinking about co-op runs, but the runs are pretty short and I don't think co-op would add any value for now.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Lagloyavich aiment ceci
Bretagne, France

"I was also thinking about co-op runs, but the runs are pretty short and I don't think co-op would add any value for now." I think it will add nothing, and thanks that you agree with me for the 05-Card% :D

Bretagne, France

Maybe a Die% (die the fastest as possible like the 05 card), it will give challenge because in SCP: SL we can die in many ways, but offline it is more complicated.

Lagloyavich aiment ceci

I think it would be best to wait for all the tutorials to be added before making an "All Tutorials" category, the devs have been putting a lot of work into the game recently so I'd guess we can expect to see more tutorials soon.

I do like the idea of a Death% run, but I'm not sure about 05% because it would only really be all about finding the keycard immediately and then 914 immediately afterwards.

And then as for coop runs, with the game's current state I don't think a coop run would be much different from a regular Escape% run.

Seydie aiment ceci
Bretagne, France

Maybe create a different run, with several complicated steps before you can finish no?

Bretagne, France

By the way I made SCP, trophies, I do not know if you can change the current trophies but I saw other games that had so I propose them here: (looks like this in the scoreboard)= (these are the trophies)=

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Seydie aiment ceci

Added them, they look awesome !


YunoG if you could help us think of a run for co-op that would definitely help

Bretagne, France

Yes i could but i don't know what we can do, like i said we should create a run with several complicated steps, we can do this run in coop, as you want.

Bretagne, France

Guys i think we should reset all run ; SCP SL have evolved a lot since my/our run (5-6 months ago).


Hi @yunoG I feel resetting and deleting all current run is kind of sad..But I do agree we should do something about it! Maybe we can make subcategories in versions? So the old runs will stay up? (Perhaps in a misc category)


I tried looking into finding an older patch of the game online somewhere, but I couldn't find anything. A developer even stated that they will not release older patches of the game. So unfortunately if we separated the runs by version, there would be no way to play the older version, and the runs on the older version would be there permanently. At the end of the day, I'm fine with whatever the majority of runners would like to do though, and I do agree that there should be some sort of separation just in case the older version was faster or something.

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