Creating A Pro Scene
2 years ago
Baltimore, MD, USA

Dear StarCraft 64 pioneers and champions, I am Teflon Ron and I am the greatest multiplayer StarCraft 64 player in the world. I would like to create a pro scene for this game and I think this is a great place to start looking for future champions. Please join me at: My Twitter is: @Teflon_Ron64 Gmail me at: Reddit: TeflonRon64

Battle me on stream in best of 3 on Lost Temple and/or Hunters and we will post it on twitch and YouTube and it will go viral. I am a Maryland gamer, would love to play anyone on console if possible but expecting future matches to be netplay. Hope to hear from you true sc64 enthusiasts soon. Post clips of ur greatest moments on #starcraft64 or #sc64 or #consoleRTS

makenzie_wright aiment ceci
United States

Pretty cool idea. I am still new to this port, and don't have much experience in versus mode on the PC version, either. However, I think you are onto something with this sc64 tournament(s) idea. I would watch this : )

Baltimore, MD, USA

YESS Makenzie Wright!!! thank you for playing this game!!!! we appreciate ur interest and runs. The boys in my league are going to start submitting runs pretty soon. It is going to get competitive! because we dont stop! please follow us on twitch, this weekend is a big event. The Graduation Party of the Mysterious Mr. G, he is ready for the moneymatches now, WHOOOOOP WHOOOOOPPPP!!!!

makenzie_wright aiment ceci
Statistiques du jeu
Speedruns récents
Niveau: SC1 Terran 02: Backwater Station
Niveau: Tutorial: Officer Training
Niveau: SC1 Terran 01: Wasteland
Niveau: SC1 Protoss 01: First Strike
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