Are PS3's Allowed?
4 years ago

PS3's use a PS1 emulator to play games, and I've heard emulators are banned. Does this mean you cannot run on a PS3? I heard it's a cycle based related issue why emulators are banned, and I could test if the PS3 handles this correctly if you want. Running on PS3 would be a lot better for me if it's allowed. Also, PS3's have loading screens equivalent to a PS2 without fast disk speed on if you were wondering.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I don't think PS3 has been considered yet, so testing would be required here yeah. I have no way of testing that, so if you could do that that'd great tbh. The cycles are described in-depth in the other forum thread, so you know what to look for. Recording it would be great too and then posting it here afterwards.

OK, I’ll see if I can test it out, it might take me a bit.

I haven’t recorded it, but it’s 100% the same as the emulator cycles unfortunately... Do you still want a video? It would look very bad because I’d have to record the screen with a camera... I’ll try to record it if you need me to though.

I think I know the reason the cycles are different. A game usually keeps a variable to tell how much time it took since it drew the last frame(delta time), and games use this value to move your character more, and more if there is lag. And in the Canning Factory room, it’s probably lagging a good bit on PS2, which makes the cycle counter increase at a slower rate than a PS3 emulator with no lag.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Okay, that's interesting then. Banning emulator for having faster cycles is an obvious decision because it's not legit, but if an actual official console runs it faster, then that is just the fastest way to run the game. I don't see any issue accepting PS3 runs, that's for my part at least.

OK, that’s a good decision, I’ll probably run on PS3 then(mostly IL’s). I’ve figured out some good Tree Dome strats, and I got an unrecorded 41(loadless), I’ll probably go for a sub 40 IL time on camera so it’s official(if not sub 40, just 40).

If everyone is okay with accepting PS3 runs, then you should make it a submittable platform where you choose the platform when submitting.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Done :)

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