3 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Hi guys, how are you guys? I speedrun the first sonic from the Master System version and plan to do the second game, but I'm really confused on how to time the time. Does it stop when the points screen appears? The way of timing, is it the same as in the first game? Thank you very much for your attention ❤️

United Kingdom

Doing the same as S1SMS (RTA-TB) is tricky in Sonic 2 SMS as the score countdown can be sped up using a button, but it's very inconsistent, so In Game Time is used (where you total up the time on the timer in each stage). Note: this also has a weird quirk because the PAL timer still counts up 1s for every 60 frames instead of every 50, making PAL the "fastest" IGT wise. If you're using emulator then there is an autosplitter for livesplit that will do it for you.

AlekStation97 aiment ceci
São Paulo, Brazil

Tyty bro 🥰

Statistiques du jeu
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Sky High 1
Niveau: Under Ground 3
Niveau: Sky High 2
Niveau: Aqua Lake 1
Niveau: Crystal Egg 3
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