first boss glitch
6 years ago

hey everyone, im new to running this game and have a bit of a problem with the first boss glitch. im trying to do this glitch with the pause strat. at first i thought that you have to pause on a certain pixel to get the glitch, but i recorded it and it turns out i paused on different locations and still got it, and also paused on the same locations and didnt get it. (i can post screens if you guys are interested). so i have absolutely no idea what triggers this glitch. does anyone have more info for me?

WolfMerrik aiment ceci

yes im talking about the lion turtle. yeah i figured some fireballs are easier than others. so basically, get consistent with those balls and just grind it out? thanks for your reply

WolfMerrik aiment ceci
Maine, USA

Yeah, there is indeed a great deal of RNG involved with it, its really about practicing it till you can do it regularly and often enough, followed by getting lucky with it in a run. No amount of practice will hurt you though, just find a setup that works well for you, and ill cross my fingers for you! =P

baldnate aiment ceci

ok, good to know im not doing anything wrong thanks for the info guys

WolfMerrik aiment ceci
Maryland, USA

Ok, pausing does this. When you pause after the boss stops moving and starts to get ready to shoot, when you unpause the shot is forced to come out. So if you jump at the same basic point, and pause at the same point you have a much higher (if not guaranteed) chance to get the glitch. If you jump at the wrong tile it is fine, you just have to pause earlier or later. And the reason the glitch works is because there is a hole in the wall at the bottom of the screen. If you get hit too early you don't get knocked into the hole properly.

baldnate et WolfMerrik aime ceci
Maryland, USA

But in the end it all depends on which method you can use to get consistent skips. I am very used to doing my method using a pause. But that's also because I am bad at tracking the shots when it's that close to the wall. If you are able 2 Follow the shots and react at the right time in order to get that glitch to happen go for it. I just couldn't get that method consistent. But I'm pretty sure that is the way white hat did it and obviously he has the top time at the moment. Both methods take about the same time to do with one you lose a slight bit of time for a pause and the other you have to wait sometimes for the shots to be in the correct position. Sometimes the pause will be faster other times you'll get perfect RNG and save that probably less than half of a second.

WolfMerrik et baldnate aime ceci
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