Time without loads
1 year ago

I don't understand why there's this separation of time without loads and with loads if the loads are just the cutscenes and even if you have a worse device they are still the same length, not to mention that you can walk while the cutscene happens for most of them. It just makes timing harder and more vague and isn't even needed. Like, when is it a load, for example when you first go to bed: is it when cutscene begins, when you enter bed, etc.

Thanks for pointing this out. It should be fixed now.

Bruher aiment ceci

You should probably change Babbanx time back to the 5:45 one.


I retimed my run with that in mind. I had determined my time based off of certain key points such as the "Moving day" cutscene I waited until the "5" in "5 hours later" to show up because shortly after you gain movement to your character.

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Niveau: Chapter 1 Glitched
Niveau: Chapter 2 Glitchless
Niveau: Chapter 2 Glitchless
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