Minor finds you may find interesting
2 years ago

I recently got curious and did some testing in a private server with a friend and found a few interesting things.

-Lower ping has longer reach and higher ping has shorter reach. -If two players have the same ping the survivor can be knocked out even though they didn't appear to get hit on either screen. -The e timing skip trick can be done with 2 people and it's really fast, but it's easiest with jumping. -The optimal strat for the e timing skip is crouching while facing away from the computer every 5 seconds.

Nothing too major but I'm sure this will help someone in some way.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Xyne, _tae et 3 autres aime ceci

Also, I have 10+ unuploaded WRs and many more non WR runs I am planning to upload soon. I just want to say I'm sorry to the Mods for creating so much work for you guys ahead of time. I am really bad at YouTube.

janzka aiment ceci

Ok, nice!

Update: After further reflection, I'm now pretty sure reach has to do with computer performance with lower end computers being at a disadvantage and higher end computer being at an advantage.