Hotel- runs?
2 months ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

Will there be a catagory for the Hotel- mod? (Items, rooms, dmg, etc.)

Dolnośląskie, Poland

@Qxe7 yk, theres a version sub-category. So why not just add the Hotel- version of the game there

Seoul, South Korea

hotel- is legacy btw meaning that hotel- is "old" for the version subcategory

Dolnośląskie, Poland

@Qxe7 Hotel- runs on category extensions

Dolnośląskie, Poland

@Zangoose the "old" subcategory is used for some other version of the game after hotel+ (exmp:

Seoul, South Korea

you can still use hotel- for old ce runs



ovecka aiment ceci
Dolnośląskie, Poland

@Zangoose thanks. You're not png spaming unlike some other person


lil nub

North Carolina, USA

yo no way it’s the professional library speedrunner

ovecka aiment ceci
United States

@retrozy ayy get yo gamma up bruh 😭

ldjz aiment ceci
Solomon Islands

Nah bro ur gamma is lower @blammousernametaken but retrozy, ur gamma must have infected u

North Carolina, USA


ovecka aiment ceci
Dolnośląskie, Poland

@retrozy verifier? get away from me

Czech Republic
