Fully Unlocked Save File by Zamiell is not working for me
1 year ago
Andalusia, Spain

Hi all,

Im trying to install a fully unlocked file in order to play racing+ with some friends. I've followed every step that is described at the isaac-save-installer.exe tool and the files supposed to be full are shown like empty, with 0 secrets and 0% progress.

I've installed the rep_persistentgamedata generated by the isaac-save tool in the proper folder (I think), C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxx\250900\remote but it is not working in-game

I've tried everything I can think of. Restart game, steam and PC. Setting 'SteamCloud' to 0 and back to 1 again. Unsubscribing every mod (including racing+) but the results is the same, always empty files in the slot that are supposed to be full

Are there any steps I am skipping? Do you know another method to get a fully unlock file (other than playing the game hehe)? Please I could use some help here, thank you

P.S. sorry for my bad english



Cant help you with a workaround of the installer, but you always can download the savefile manually and copypaste it https://github.com/Zamiell/isaac-save-installer/tree/main/saves/Repentance


Andalusia, Spain

Thanks Hispa! That worked just perfect, I just had to rename the file and it worked for me

P.S. Por respeto a la comunidad he contestado en inglés, pero cuando he visto que eres español y encima tienes una foto del gran Poli Rincon, solo puedo agradecértelo aún más de parte de un bético :D

Hispa aiment ceci