5 years ago

I have finished the autosplitter I've been working on. You can use it in livesplit by opening the Edit Splits menu and setting the game to Receiver, and then pressing Activate.

If you come across any problems with it, post about it here or hit me up on discord (meanwhile ★#0001) with the details and I'll see if I can work it out. Receiver's very finnicky with how it manages its memory, so it took a while for me to find good pointer paths for all the addresses.

I'm still unsure of how it handles double tape pickups, and there's no reliable way for me to test that because the way the game decides to handle double tape pickups seems to be a bit random by itself. So far they've worked in my brief testing, but let me know if those don't work for you.

Maryland, USA

I'm having issues getting the autosplit to work. I've tried running LiveSplit in administrator mode, linking the file on the layout page and on the split settings, and restarting the game with LiveSplit still open. No dice with any of these. I could be dumb as hell and doing this wrong, because this is my first time trying to get this to work. I can't keep trying to manually split because that's driving me crazy, hahah.

United States

I'm a year late but I'll relay the info from the Discord here: The autosplitter was broken by the 2019 update and hasn't been fixed since. The update changed what memory addresses are used to track tapes, hence the autosplitter not working. Fixing things should be a matter of rediscovering where those addressed have been moved, but I don't think anyone has taken the time to do so.

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