New Speed Category?
2 years ago

I was in the middle of a fever dream when I had the idea of adding a quick joke category to the game. Fishfood%. All you need to do is get eaten as fast as possible by Del Lago. It's simple and the run is short so power drain won't be an issue. I made a very serios guide to my proposed category that can be found here:

I think games like Resident Evil need to have more quick and stupid categories for beginner runners to dip their toes into as well as let serious runners have a meme run to relax to. Anyway thank you for reading this, I intend to post actual serious runs in the near future.

Turtle974 aiment ceci
United States

Honestly this is a great idea. It's a short and sweet category that could get very competitive. This sounds very fun and exciting, I hope it becomes a category.