The Great Mexican Train Crash
10 years ago
Hampshire, England

Just over 3 hours into the run you get to a mission called "The Great Mexican Train Robbery", during this mission you have to ride a horse with Abraham Reyes for about 5 minutes, then you arrive at Chuparosa. The game then gives you a throwing knife and you're told to stealth kill a load of guards to steal a train. The problem is this has a tendency to crash the game.

It seems like something to do with the throwing knife in this mission, and the crash only seems to happen during runs and it never happens once the Xbox has been restarted and the mission resumed, making it hard to test anything.

Some theories as ways around this were suggested when it happened to me last on stream, including:

Don't use throwing knives (maybe speedrun-no-stealth-strats are faster anyway)(On possible way maybe to climb upto the train station roof, kill the guy guarding the machine gun and use that gun to kill everyone else)

Save and Restart the console before starting the mission (to not waste time on the 5 minute horse ride)

Don't throw the Knives so fast (seems to be why I didn't crash on the 2nd throw in one of the examples)

¤insert more ideas here¤

Any other ideas or findings here would be nice, keep in mind that we're not 100% sure what triggers the glitch, as it only happens in full game runs and not short practice segments, so testing glitches which just stop the game crashing are harder to test than strats that just avoid using the knives altogether (if using the knife is even the issue)

Hampshire, England

Turns out the throwing kinfe is not actually the issue, as the game just crashed on me while I was only using the regular knife.

(embedding doesn't work)

Next thing to test is just reloading a save before the mission and see if that works.

If THAT doesn't work, then I guess I will just try restarting the whole console before the mission instead.

Hampshire, England

Not sure, last time I did a run to that point I just loaded an autosave before the mission and it didn't crash. Whether this was just luck or not though...

I'll try it again today if I get a run to that point.

Hampshire, England

Loading Autosaves doesn't work, next thing to try is Exiting to the 360 Dashboard, then restarting the game, prior to starting the mission.

New Jersey, USA

u can try throwing the knives slower...or play the game on a ps3

Hampshire, England

This was one of the first things I tried. The second thing was not using the throwing knifes at all. I also don't own a PS3 so running on that would be kind of difficult

New Jersey, USA

Do you have to kill the guys by the train? or is there a way around them?

Hampshire, England

The objective is to split the train, kill all the guards and then drive the train. You can't drive the train until everyone is dead

New Jersey, USA

You could try shutting the console off in general then turn it back on and try it or take the game out of the console then put it back in

Lanark, Scotland

After spending about... a long ass time fixing this, it seems to be a memory allocation issue with the game. Dashboarding is the most reliable way to avoid the crash, though it still happened on some occasions. I tried avoiding guards, routing around them, dying and going to the checkpoint, they all crashed more often than the Dashboard strat.

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