Timing Questions
4 years ago
Wexford, Ireland

I’ve started running this game again recently and was wondering if the timer should begin when pressing x at the black box on the title screen before starting a game or when pressing challenge mode. I know it’s hard to describe in text but I don’t want to be beginning my timer too late or too early. Thanks

United Kingdom

Timing is started when you press x on the challenge mode menu to say yes to starting challenge mode(The last x input before the loading screen).

murfluke aiment ceci
United Kingdom

Np. If you have any other questions feel free to ask them in the RaC Speedrunning Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pnCtS73

murfluke aiment ceci

when recording a run, can i use the timer on my phone. i dont have a capture card so i cant use livesplit on my playstation

Bretagne, France

There is no problem with that don't worry.

Just_a_Goose aiment ceci
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