Quest 64 - Any% US Guide
Quest 64 - Any% US Guide
Mis à jour 7 years ago par JazzyChoi1991

Quest 64- Any% US Speedrun Guide by JazzyChoi1991

This guide takes advantage of the two new glitches found recently, Out of Bounds and Spirit Duplication. For simplicity in this guide, we will assume we get 3 spirits per dupe but this may range from 2-5 possibly. This guide is an adapted route from DriftingSkies' run, feel free to use other routes yourself.

To dupe spirits - Cast exit (19 water) or return on top of a spirit, then quickly mash A and the desired C button alternating. Spirits from the overworld and spirits from experience points are independent of each other.

For a newb route do the following: 25 Water 50 Earth 50 Water Anything additional into fire.

A speedrun route gets fire to clip out of bounds.

Timing starts from first frame available from movement after clearing the first text boxes. Timing ends on first frame of mammon explosion.


MELRODE MONASTERY: DON'T EAT ANY BREAD UNTIL FIGHTING SOLVARING -Pause game and set text speed to maximum. -Follow down the stairs and path until you get to the Castle Door. -Go to the room opposite. Lady: Fresh Bread Chest: Honey Bread (You can only get free items if you don't already have one) -Leave the castle front door and turn left down the path to the stables. Spirit: There's a spirit at the Stable. Add all spirits upcoming to Water until further notice. -Go down to Melrode.

MELRODE TOWN: -White Wings: Follow Path U-turn Right into the first house in Town. -Go to the Prarie in the fields. Chest: Fresh Bread: Spirit: Prarie Back Left Corner: -Use White Wings, Leave Melrode, make way to Dondoran.

Hounds may drop dew drop so you can skip the Dew Drop in Dondoran. Kill enough enemies to get 77 EXP before Solvaring. Try mainly fighting Were Hares, Hell Hounds in Holy Plains and Bats in Connor Forest.

Monster List (mnst) A = Wind

Monster Name |Elem|-HP-|Def|Agi|Atk|EXP.|Item Drop | -----------------+----+----+---+---+---+----+---------------+ Were Hare | A| 9| 1| 5| 3| 2|Fresh Bread | Hell Hound |F | 10| 2| 8| 3| 3|Dew Drops | Man Eater | E | 24| 4| 6| 5| 4| | Big Mouth | W | 28| 2| 4| 2| 4|Fresh Bread | Bumpershoot |F | 9| 2| 6| 3| 3|Fresh Bread | Parassault | W | 13| 2| 6| 2| 3|Dew Drops |

HOLY PLAINS: -Follow the path Spirit: Off to the east/left after passing small hill on left: Spirit: Inside hut to the west/right: Spirit: Outside House by path, Inside Fence -You get healing at level 7 water. -Go to Dondoran Castle.

DONDORAN: -Go to Cracker Barrel. Free Item from Lady: Dew Drop (You can use this dew drop to help grind HP in the forest) -Get Yellow Wings in House By Cracker Barrel Spirit: Open Desert at bottom of town. -Use Yellow Wings -Leave town and go to Connor Forest

Monster Name |Elem|-HP-|Def|Agi|Atk|EXP.|Item Drop | -----------------+----+----+---+---+---+----+---------------+ Bat | A| 24| 3| 11| 5| 4|Celine's Bell | Man Trap | E | 65| 4| 8| 11| 8| | Kobold | A| 40| 6| 16| 7| 5|Fresh Bread | Marionasty | E | 28| 6| 10| 6| 4|Fresh Bread | Frog Knight | W | 38| 8| 10| 5| 6|Silver Amulet |

CONNOR FOREST 1: -Grind Defense on Marionasties and Frog Knights to 59 HP/ 9 defense by getting hit by Wind Cutter and healing.

  • A safe route should get to 63 HP/11 defense -Kill enough enemies to get to 77 EXP (16 Water) by Solvaring once adding the 4 spirits you'll collect in the forest. Spirit: Behind sign to the right Spirit: To the right, behind 3rd tree: Spirit: Go back to the left, Inside Hut Chest: Giant Shoes inside hut Solvaring is Southeast from Entrance, go this way. Spirit: By Giant Hook Tree -Leave the last spirit by Solvaring's Lair behind centre tree. -Enter to Solvaring.


SOLVARING: 200HP, 9-10 hits from Water Pillar

-Before the start of the fight,hug the wall to avoid entering battle and grab the Honey Bread in the chest. Chest: Honey Bread

YOU SHOULD BE -16 Water -59+ HP, 9+ defense -Have 4 breads to fight Solvaring

Turn 1: Step forward just slightly and use giant's shoes. Hold right to dodge immediately. Turn 2: Use Water Pillar 2 Turn 3+: Use Water Pillar 1/Eat a bread when at 18 or less Solvaring can deal exactly 15-18 damage at 9 defense. -Add spirits to Water after beating Solvaring to get 19 Water. Chest: Mint Leaves off to the right of the cauldron. -Leave and head back into the forest.


-Exit and spirit dupe the last spirit by the tree to Water. -Should be (1/1/22/1) now. -Go to Dondoran Flats by heading Southwest from the Connor Fortress entrance. Chest: Dew Drop by the exit.


-Put this upcoming spirit to Water. Spirit: Straight left at the start -You should have Escape now (23 Water) -Follow the path until you see a cliff to the right, there is a log by the cliff that you go down to get to Glencoe Forest. Easy to miss. Check your map is need to. Spirit: Turn Right after the log. Apply to Water. -Now add the next spirits to Earth in Glencoe Forest. Glencoe Forest is to the left.

GLENCOE FOREST: Spirit: Go to the back to the right, Spirit is behind 2nd last Tree. -Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe to Earth (1/4/24/1) Spirit: Go forward around the left of Lake, then straight, near back right beside tree -Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe to Earth (1/7/24/1) Spirit: Head NW, near previous tree -Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe to Earth (1/10/24/1) -Then head NW then SW towards Cottage -Go in Cottage and get Silent Flute in chest for later. -Add upcoming spirit to Water to get Healing 2. Apply all spirits after this to Earth until 50. Spirit: Behind Cottage Spirit: North/NW of Cottage, behind 2nd tree Spirit: Straight West by tree -Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe to Earth (1/14/25/1) -Leave Glencoe Forest (1/13/25/1) is fine you underduped.


-Back up log, then follow path southeast Spirit: Off West after going South around the next bend. -Cross bridge towards boat. -Enter/Leave Boat Room to go to West Carmagh.


-Use the inn at the top of the stairs to death warp later, say yes and get to the save screen. Spirit: Across Second Bridge, U turn right up the large hill, at back. Spirit: North/Northwest, uphill, Far West -Walk back and head towards the right towards Larapool.


-Get Blue Wings in left building. -Head back out towards West Carmagh.


-Head SW,W and across the log. Follow the path. Spirit: Behind house right before Cull Hazard (1/18/25/1) -Go to Cull Hazard


You need to kill 4 Blood Jells to get 2 extra spirits from EXP. Use the Silent Flute and Water Pillar. There are battles of only Blood Jells at the end of Cull Hazard if necessary. You should be at (1/22/25/1) by the end including the 2 spirits you collect on the way.

-Directions: S,E,N,E,N,E,S,W,S,E,SE,E,N -Directions: N,E,N Chest: Healing Potion Spirit: Near the chest -Directions: E,S,W Spirit: On the other side of the big circular rock plateau in an alcove. -Directions: NE,E,SE,E,NE,N,NE,E,S,SE,E Chest: Heroes Drink in the corner -Directions: N,NW Chest: Healing Potion, Honey Bread -Directions: NE,N,NE,N,NW,N,E,N Chest: Silent Flute if needed to the left after the no encounter path -Directions: NE,N,W,N,N,W,N,W,S,W,N


Spirit: Hug right wall into wheat field, in the centre Spirit: In back centre, then leave the field to the west [Optional] Windmill 2: Chest: Fresh Bread, Heroes Drink [Optional] Windmill 1: Chest: Fresh Bread, Fresh Bread Spirit: North East, East of Field in the corner (1/25/25/1) -Leave North West towards Windward Forest.


Spirit: Straight NW from start next to wall -Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe to Earth (1/28/25/1) -Directions: NW, SW, NW over the grass. Chest: Healing Potion behind cabin on left hand side Spirit: Inside Cabin Chest: Honey Bread in back room of Cabin Spirit: Right/East of Cabin, behind tree (1/30/25/1)


ZELSE: 680HP, 7 hits from Avalanche

Turn 1: Run at him Turn 2: Run at him, stay about half a brian arena away from him, cast avalanche, hold joystick away from zelse in case he uses mid-range, try to stay in the same position to continue to manipulate him to use mid-range

You should always be able to dodge the mid range.
It is a little stronger than the large cutter. Use avalanche and bread to heal. Use Mint Leaves or Dew Drop if low on MP. Put all spirits to Earth after beating Zelse.

-Cast Exit and Spirit Dupe the spirit after the Zelse fight and use Blue Wings in Normoon to return to Larapool. (1/40/25/1)


-Go to the inn. Free Item: Mint Leaves from lady in Inn -Go downstairs, U-Turn downstairs again. -Enter and leave the door to lower the water level.Don't talk to lady. Walk straight back out. Spirit: Straight East at first clearing after draining water Spirit: Off left at split (by other inn door, don't go inside) Spirit: By Blue Cave entrance, behind first pillar (1/43/25/1)


FOLLOW THE SIGNS. Cast Escape on enemies.

-Directions: N,E,E,N,Nw,W, go right -Directions: N,NE,N,NW,W, go right -Directions: NE,NE,E,SE,E Spirit: By Pillar in Center of Open Room (NE Side) -Directions: N -Enter Corridor, Exit Corridor -Directions: S,SE,S,SW,S,SE,E,NE,N, through the signs -Directions: E,SE,S,SE,E,NE,N,NW,W,NW,N -Enter Corridor, Exit Corridor -Directions: N,NE,N



Spirit: From Start, E/NE, N Chest: Mint Leaves by the Spirit -Go south at the junction, then hug the right wall to the north to exit the maze -Directions: N,NW,W,Nw,N


Spirit: Far left of house, behind and to the left of the giant hill -Enter the house, enter the portal in the back room. -Go downstairs and don't talke to anyone Spirit: Back Room on ship Chest: Dragon's Potion by Spirit -Exit Ship Spirit: Sharp Right Spirit: In front of house's left fence Spirit: Behind house, back centre (1/50/25/1) -Now put all spirits to Fire until you reach 19 for Compression. Spirit: Up the hill in the back right behind the portal -Enter the portal.


NEPTY: 880HP, 7 hits from Avalanche

-Use Magic Barrier every other turn and Avalanche, HP item or MP item on the other turn. -At the end of a round, you can use Magic Barrier, Avalanche, then Confusion, to intentionally take damage and regain all MP. -Nepty does roughly half damage. -Use mostly fresh breads and honey breads here if feasible. -Try to use as few MP items as possible.

Newb route: Ignore fire entirely, just get more water. Speedrun Route: All spirits should go into Fire until you hit 19 Fire. After Nepty you should be (6/50/25/1). It's fine if you're one or two short.

-Go back and return to Isle of Skye. -Get into encounter and die on purpose to Death Warp back to the Inn you saved at earlier. -Save at the inn again to heal. -Go down to the docks and ride the boat. -Enter and exit the door and leave the boat and you should arrive in East Limelin now.


-Go up stairs and head straight East until path then follow path. -Head E/SE, follow path then get spirit off path to the right. Spirits: Off to the path on the right -Follow the path to the bottom on the right, miss out on Limelin -Turn left at the split with the sign. Spirit: Down rock stairs then directly right. -Go down the hill. Enter the Cabin. Spirit: Inside Mining Cabin front Spirit: Inside Mining Cabin back -Exit the Cabin Spirit: Head W Behind Mound (11/50/25/1) -Head South to the door and enter


-Stay at high health, enemies can deal about 60 in one turn.

Chest: SW of Entrance, Heroes Drink and Healing Potion -Directions: E/SE,E,N,E,S,E,E,NE(bridge),E,N,N,E,S,SE,S,E into open area with spirit and chest. Spirit: East by door Chest: Healing Potion -Follow the mine tracks. -Follow the path -Head left at the start of the maze for a spirit Spirit: Left of Maze (13/50/25/1) -Follow around the maze -Directions: E,NE,E,SE,E,NE,E,SE,E,NE,N,NE,SE,E,NE,E,SE,E,NE,N,E Spirit on the left side of the antechamber if you don't have at least 12 Fire when you get there. -Keep walking down the stairs until you see Shilf.

SHILF: 1000HP, 6 hits from Avalanche

-Use Magic Barrier every other turn and Avalanche, HP item or MP item on the other turn. -At the end of a round, you can use Magic Barrier, Avalanche, then Confusion, to intentionally take damage and regain all MP. -Shilf does roughly half damage. Try to use as few MP items as possible. Add spirits to Fire, should be (16/50/25/1).

-Directions: E Chest: Healing Potion on the right hand side, skip left chest. Spirit: Between Chests -Exit North


-Stay at high health. [OPTIONAL] Enter the hut and get the spirit in the corner if you only have 15 Fire. -Head South West. -Follow path through town. [OPTIONAL] Spirit before Greenoch if you only have 16 Fire. Chest: Replica inside first building in the corner -Directions: NW,W,SW,S -Directions: Hug the left wall to go into a small path, cross the fault. Spirit: On fault in your path. Head West Spirit: NW after Fault -Should now have 19 Fire and have Compression. Attach all spirits you collect from here onwards to Water now. -Directions: SW to Boil Hole


-Newb route: Ignore OoB and get to the end of the dungeon. -Keep walking until you encounter Magma Fish. -Kill other the enemies first then use Magma Fish to clip out of bounds on the right hand side by using Compression.

  • Watch video on where to go after clipping () -You can get the spirit after Fargo from OoB if you want to. -Make your way to Fargo and fight Fargo from above.

FARGO: 1500HP, 11 hits from Avalanche

-Use magic barrier first turn and walk towards until he does his short range attack. Short range attack will not hit you. -Spam avalanche, use confusion or MP item to heal MP. -Head E after fight and clip inbounds to exit when you see the light. -Leave through to Baragoon Moor.


-Go to the Inn and get the spirit behin the Inn. -Go inside the Inn and upstairs to grab another spirit. -Go inside the left room. Grab Dragon's Potion and Spirit Light from the bottom left and bottom right chests. -Go inside the right room and get Giant's Shoes from bottom left chest and grab Replica from the top right chest. Head outside. -Directions: SW,S,W -Directions: Back on main path, SW Across Fault, W, slight NW Up Ramp -Remember to hug the right wall after passing the fault to avoid encounters. -Enter Brannoch town, immediately leave. -Dupe the spirits to the right and left to Water and head down the bridge towards the Inn. Hug the left hand side to avoid encounters. -Dupe this spirit and head towards Brannoch Castle now.


-Go through the town and head through the gates. Hug the left wall to avoid encounters. Go behind the castle and up the ramp. -Enter the Castle door.


-Stay at high health. Follow the path up. Chest: Dragon's Potion on path as you progress up -Ignore Side Door, just a spirit. -Keep walking until you face Guilty.

GUILTY: 1800HP, 23-24 hits from Avalanche

  • Don't use confusion unless you're almost out of MP items, if you have 40 Water, you have Drain Magic but this is highly inaccurate. -Use Magic Barrier every other turn and Avalanche, HP item or MP item on the other turn. -At the end of a round, you can use Magic Barrier, Avalanche, then Confusion, to intentionally take damage and regain all MP. -Guilty does around 50 on his mid-range attack and around 100 for his short range.

-Exit South after beating Guilty and follow path. -Get the two chests in the cross chequered room. Chest: Heroes Drink: NE Chest: Healing Potion: SW -Carry along until you see a chest and a door. Chest: Mint Leaves on path as you progress up -Enter the door. -Get 3 chests from this room. Chest: 1st Dragon's Potion, 3rd Healing Potion, 5th Spirit Light Spirit: Behind third pillar on left

-Leave and continue -Get Spirit Light in chest from room with 2 NPCs -Head on towards Beigis

BEIGIS: 1900HP, 13 hits or so from Avalanche

CONFUSION, MP ITEMS, HP ITEMS, DRAIN MAGIC, as you see fit for the items you have left. Beigis does slightly more than half damage.

-Walk upstairs, follow path. Talk to Shannon and get the Book -Follow the path and enter the portal to the World of Mammon.


-Use Replica to leave battles, keep at high health, beware of Pinheads. -Directions: N into door -Directions: N,E, bare right on the wall until halfway downstairs East and slightly south, north into door -Directions: Finish Maze -Directions: Exit Room -Directions: E,N up ramp -Directions: N,NW -Directions: exit Room -Directions: NE,N,E -Directions: NE,N, hug left wall after the bridge against wall, NW -Directions: GO DOWNSTAIRS IN BOAT -Directions: Finish Maze -Exit door -Directions: East between two fences, through door -Directions: NE,N hug left wall after the bridge against wall,NW -Directions: Walk NW to talk to Shannon -Directions: Walk around to the right of Mammon to enter battle from right.

MAMMON: 2300HP, Many hits

CONFUSION, MP ITEMS, HP ITEMS, DRAIN MAGIC, as you see fit for the items you have left.


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