eliminate weird bump and if u aim good on ramp u can avoid unique jump animation. B) HD avaible Kreygasm
I was practicing this because most of the times i can't pull it off and i came up with this other alternative, i don't know if this saves even more time if pulled off perfectly but seems way more consistent than taking the other side of the ramp.
this route is completely pointless cuz u can go normally on the road without jump and this little slow down after landing.... i took this different side to make this road shortcut/avoid bridge part - but there is nothing to avoid when took this road normally :P
You can actually go pretty far with the jump though, but i just tried this for more consistency since its easier to pull off without getting the slow mo, fil's route is about 5 seconds faster.
VC Enthusiasts, good news!
The VC Mod Team has decided to allow users to access a y-sens fix for mouse issues. This can be used legally in speedruns from today onwards, with only one rule.
This script w