Has anyone ever considered running P2 glitchless ?
4 years ago
Virginia, USA

There's a category for this in the extensions:


Basically, you're allowed to do tricks like bunnyhopping, but major things like funnel flying are out.

Cambridgeshire, England

i sometimes do

Ohio, USA

There's a no major glitches segmented run in the works by the community right now, as well as a no major glitches coop all main courses run that will sort of begin that category extension.

Portal. aiment ceci
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SAR 1.13.12 Released

Hello, SAR version 1.13.12 just dropped, bringing fixes for issues with the recent game update. You must update your game within 1 week, as after then any runs on versions of SAR that are older than 1.13.12 will be rejected. This version also adds a warning for when you are playing on a out of date

1 month ago
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