Voltorb Flip RNG Manipulation
4 years ago


I am interested in speedrunning pokemon HGSS. I think I can learn all of the manipulation required, however, I'm having trouble learning the voltorb flip manipulation that is needed to get all of the TMs and HM slaves. Is there a guide I can read to help learn voltorb flip manipulation? Thanks!

South Australia, Australia

There isn't a guide yet, though I am in the process of making one.

The idea is simple though. Voltorb Flip uses secondary RNG, which is mostly static throughout the run. As long as you're doing RNG Manip (which you absolutely have to be to even try to manip Voltorb Flip) there's only 2 extra things you need to be aware of:

  1. Make sure you don't spend any extra time on the route between Union Cave and Azalea Town. It rains there, and rain advances secondary RNG, so any time spent there walking or waiting for the spinner will mess it up.

  2. Follow the Voltorb Flip pattern exactly. Most flips in Voltorb Flip advance secondary RNG by 1, but if you choose a panel that has no bomb on either it's row or column, it won't advance at all. So the panels chosen are specifically done to advance by specific amount, if you choose the wrong ones you may get different boards.

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