Sub-hour in Pegged! I made it happen. And with the Miku cursor.
I had a long grind session after realising how possible sub-hour was in this category. It was a rough grind, always losing to different levels and making avoidable mistakes. This run isn't even perfect. I lose on 6-5, and it's quite an annoying loss as it's due to me having a good attempt, realising I can't reach a peg in the top right due to the level design, then losing that next attempt. I did feel it was poetic to have my only level loss be to flawed level design. However, to really up the tension, I had to go and lose the final level. I did beat it and get sub-hour though! Happy I was FINALLY successful. But of course there'll be that nagging speedrunner mind that it could be even better. I also played 9-5 very slowly as I didn't check that my greens were in terrible places, but I was too deep by the time I noticed so committed. Maybe someday I'll come back, this is definitely the most fun way to experience Pegged. I did try my best to not make this just a Bean only run, even though really you could just do NG+ as Bean% since it's the best power for nearly every level.
But yeah, sub-hour has been achieved.
Pegged is now available in the resources section as a preloaded portable, no more messing around with your steam install!