4 years ago
Oregon, USA

Hey, new here, obviously. I was wondering if the mods here had any policy on emulating. I got P5 for the PS3 when I had room mates who had a ps3, and now no longer live with them. I've got it dumped, and have been playing casually on rpcs3 for some time now. I'll practice on the emulator one way or another, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to spring for a PS3 in order to submit a run.


As of right now, rules don't allow emulators. You should message one of the mods on discord if you want it. What I think personally, since the emulator is for PS3 version, running it on PS4 would be faster anyway, so emulator doesn't give unfair advantage so it may be allowed at some point if there's interest but again, you should contact one of the moderators for that.

United Kingdom

It having slower loads than PS4 isn't really true, as even footage from over a year ago, back when the emulator was far less optimized than it is now, shows the emulated PS3 version has faster loads than even SSD PS4 footage, see here:

compared against Nev's SSD run:

('Take your time' logo on emulator does one full rotation and finishes loading, Nev's run does two full rotations after the Intro fight)

PS3 version isn't slow simply because it's the PS3 version. It's slower because it's on inferior hardware, that RPCS3 isn't trying to mimic. RPCS3 operating on hardware (usually) that could trump both these systems essentially combined.

RPSC3 certainly isn't comparable to PS3 at the very least.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago

Oh, wow, okay. I didn't know that. Yea, that's a problem for allowing it then :/

United Kingdom

There's no reason couldn't be its own thing I guess, if decided to allow it / separate from console, but issue with emulators is also they're just constantly changing/updating. It'd be kind of hard to have a board for an emulator that's still under a fair bit of development without just having to constantly upheave it all the time / demand newer versions be ran and disallow old ones constantly.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago

A friendly reminder you can run the game anyway you want, a leaderboard doesn't have to dictate how you play the game. If emulator is all you got and you're interested in trying the run then go for it. Unless your entire goal is to literally just have an entry on the leaderboard then you should do it on console following the rules.

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