I don't see a reason to make a whole new forum post for those kinda reactions, just be patient.
Well I am, but I get outraged because people who sent the run after me were evaluated first but okay
Disgusting moderators, you should be ashamed of yourselves!
It took 30 hours to verify, that's not exactly outrage worthy.
I once had a run take over a month to get verified, didn't see me complaining....(i did)
God damn mods get your shizz together -- YOU GUYS CANNOT HAVE LIVES -- i am joking just wanted to chime in :p these guys always get stuff done when they can remember that peeps except Prawn he is lazy ;)
After discussing with the mod team and top runners, we agreed to make changes to bhop rules and to the IL leaderboards.
All of these changes don't affect console runs, since all bhops are allowed on console.
We are makin