Rule Additions/Updates
4 years ago
United States

This is a thread that is going to be dedicated to any and all rule changes that will happen within Stranger's Wrath. We will try our best to keep this updated so people can understand what things changed and why.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
United States

-(New Rule) Some moderate frame drops are acceptable when submitting a run. However, any run with significant video footage missing OR substantial amounts of missing audio will be subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators. -(New Rule) Cheat codes are forbidden. -(New Rule) Any 3rd party program that displays framerate is allowed. However, any other external software that can alter the game memory values or interfere with the backend of the game is not allowed. -(New Rule) No files are allowed to be edited within the game. This includes custom sounds, animations, and all cutscenes must be present within the game files in order to have accurate loading times. -(New Rule) Any run new or old that no longer has video evidence will be instantly rejected. If the video is later re-added then the run will be reverified by a moderator to ensure the integrity of the run still stands. -(Updated Rule) The "First Time Cutscene Skips" file located in the resources tab is the only file that can be added into the game folder. -(New Rule SD) SD runs can only be submitted with console versions of the games.

Simplified rules for all categories. Updated global rules with specific timer starting points.

Updated see below.

Any% No Ghost was removed from any% and all runs were moved over to the Any% No Ghost category.

The Any% category was simplified. Runs will no longer be separated by HD/SD versions of the game.

Rules for both categories were updated to reflect these changes.

Any% clipless was renamed back to Any% No Ghost due to confusion with the category name.

-General rule that still said "clipless" was renamed to "No Ghost". -Split in the resources tab was renamed from "any% clipless" to "any% No Ghost"

-(Level Board)Changed "Individual levels" to Any% and added Any% No Ghost -(Level Board)Added Three levels that are called IRs(Individual Regions) -(Level Board)Added Levels Dusky Hollow, Grubb + Wolvark Docks, Rowing, Last Legs, Dam Entrance, Inner Dam and Timer Rush all with specific rules. -(Level Board)Changed Sekto's Timer Start

Rule to use the in-game timer for all HD runs has been implemented. All runs prior to this update were edited to have the real-time as the in-game time.

  • Autosplitter created by @Fxyz is now in the splits. No longer have to add an ASL file
  • Timing rules have been adapted as follows: "An in-game timer has to be used for a run to be considered competitive. A setup information for the in-game is available in the 'Guides' section under 'Autosplitter/In-game timer Setup'. "
  • Autosplitter/In-game timer Setup has been added to the "Guides" section

New global rules will be added for all of the games. These rules are fairly understood within the community, however, we deemed it safer to have them officially be on the rule page to remove any sort of confusion.

  • (New Rule) Runs involving music or heavy external sounds that compete with the in-game audio are subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • (New Rule) Users that submit runs then delete them and resubmit them repeatedly may be subject to a temporary submission ban depending on the circumstances. This determination is going to be on a user-by-user basis.

Modifié par l'auteur 2 years ago
Azloh aiment ceci
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