How to start a new category? (Plea for a Sled%)
3 years ago

Title says it all!

The 2020 Christmas event has been a blast and I've found myself trying to get a lower and lower time on the sledding part. This got me wondering what was the WR?

This brought me here, how do you propose to start a new category here on


(Here's a video to my pb btw, for when you inevitably add Sled% to the leaderboards ;) - )

United States

Ah, uh, normally I would be down for adding it as a meme (misc.) category or an IL given that it had interest, but since this is a holiday event and will eventually be removed, I don't think it would necessarily be in the best interest to add it to the leaderboards since people eventually will be not able to play through it again.

That's my opinion though.

If you're looking for some best times though, I would recommend looking through Mod Elena's (@JagexElena) tweets & replies as it seems she's commented on a few good runs over there. (0:50 being the best I can see so far).

As a last tidbit though: I mean, if there's enough interest shown, it might be okay to add it. It would just be weird to add a category, where in the future, people would never be able to submit a run, you know what I mean?

EDIT: I just realized I didn't even answer your original question. Best way to submit/suggest a category is by doing what you did; submitting a forum post and/or hopping on the discord and suggesting it there.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
MattCrystal aiment ceci

Personally i feel that even if this wasn't a seasonal course, it wouldn't make a good category since there's (at least with the current knowledge) a clear and easily achievable theoretical optimal time of 48.0 seconds (80 in-game ticks). This time is shared by multiple players (me too), so the leaderboards would be just filled with 48 second times. If any new tricks would be discovered, the leaderboards would just flood with the new time instead.

That aside, the course is fun though, and smaller activities like this would be nice to see as new misc. categories.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
abra238 aiment ceci