Video starts at 0:37 ish. The timer I had on my computer (which I actually stopped a bit late) said 1:10:33:33 but you can't see it on screen, and I don't have a Switch capture device, so I put 1 hour 11 minutes for simplicity.
This was my first time recording my speedrun, and I used DaliaAsTrue's 4 character Cyrus single story route here for beginners:
It was done on an unhacked Nintendo Switch with a physical Octopath Traveler cartridge. Joycons have drift issue that a lot of joycons have.
Thoughts: first try Yvon and Lucia was nice, but crap movement throughout meant unnecessary encounters since I was nervous (never recorded myself speedrunning but I've done a few runs before - just wanted the runner role on Discord in case they have votes for only runners in the future).
Got a lot of backups and took whatever I got in Whistlewood since I'm not grinding for a good time and wanted to only record this once.
I don't think I had any egregious mistakes but could be a lot better, though I'm not the kind of person who would grind out a better time. Also lol at Cobbleston Cait. Yvon random encounter thankfully I could kill (didn't have enough grapes to full heal so wanted to level up, then Yvon battle a character died but Light L broke Yvon and then an M later made up for a bit of damage I think)
Mod edit: Time was way off, adjusted.