To Anyone Interested In Speedrunning This Game
8 years ago
Georgia, USA

If you think of more categories or changes to current categories please send me a tweet and I'll check it out and probably add/make changes as needed.

I am using an older version of the game because I couldn't get the duping to work in the current patch, if you find a way to dupe in current patch please let me know. You can still run the game on any patch and with/without duping. If you need anything please just tweet at me and i'll get back to you when I see it.

Nepumuk aiment ceci

Build the ship%?

Georgia, USA

At what point would build the ship% be completed?

Rhône-Alpes, France

I think the 3 categories need an evolve.

For the main quest run (the one you did, redemption99) i propose now an "Atlas + Artemis" run, and Quest is complete when spoiler alert you change Galaxy at Artemis' end

As for the galactic center run, i propose to split the run into "normal modes" and "creative mode"

For the 100%... are we sure we want to record a full run about that? In creative mode it may already take dozens of hours, in normal mode, may be hundreds.

Ontario, Canada

I look forward to a Normal-Centre%

United States

NEXT-Atlas% maybe ? or NEXT-Artemis% With the NEXT Update we definitely need some new categories I think the Artemis line should be a separate run from atlas because it doesn't require finding any atlas interfaces save the ones in the Artemis line.

Florida, USA

I'm planning on speedrunning this game; I should be working on routing quite soon. As far as I can tell, these are all semi-obvious categories and my thoughts (Assuming in all cases that multiplayer is as disabled as it can be):

Any% (Creative):

<10min, seems like kind of a dumb category, honestly. The least interesting of the routes I've considered, and yet it's the most active lol. The problem with Any% is that it's almost purely an RNG grind, and playing in creative doesn't feel like playing the game imo.

Survival/Permadeath Any%:

A Leap in the Dark / Travelers Glyphs => Portal => Center. This seems like 1.5~2 hours? There isn't much to the questing, and there's no real need to grind anything except the glyphs, which shouldn't take that long. Assuming some light RNG for money and correct item availability, this seems like a pretty accessible route.

Atlas% (Finish Atlas Storyline at 11th interface) (Different subcategories Normal, Survival, Permadeath):

The only uploaded run is deprecated with the new content, and personally I don't have any interest in playing on previous patches of the game. Part of what I like about this game is an absence of glitches, so I'll do without duping.

Atlas% should be even easier than Survival Any%, in theory. The only major obstacle is 50 milestones. You can use a frigate to visit colored systems for the later mats (Bypassing engine upgrades), and it's not complicated to get the mats for enough jumps (Although it will involve some farming). You use whatever nanites you have to boost your hyperdrive to minimize the number of jumps, and when optimized this will probably involve some absurd RNG on the first planets to make good upgrades happen. The route is mostly just optimizing the time before you can jump, gathering what is necessary to move through the stations quickly. It might be worthwhile to jump a few times, then do a round of quests for nanites if it can be done quickly (~10 minutes, rng dependent).

As for milestones, I'm guessing 10 units, 54 sentinels/ships are not at all hard to come by. You just need to sneak something else in, and extreme survival on one of those high-sentinel, no-weather planets might do the trick, or just chatting up some gek on the stations. Also 1.5~2 hours? It's hard for me to say precisely, but there aren't that many moving parts.

Artemis% (Finish Artemis Storyline) (Different subcategories Normal, Survival, Permadeath):

This is where the runs might start to take quite awhile. The Artemis Path is quite complicated, and I won't pretend to have a strong grasp of what is necessary to properly route this, but I'm guessing it could be in the neighborhood of 3 to 4 hours with a good run. Artemis% is where routing starts to get extremely complicated and difficult, because it's long enough that you want some degree of upgrades for your multi/exo/ship, but don't have time for primo upgrades, and will probably need to improvise based on circumstances mid-run. There's a ton of crazy routing possibilities with the mandatory base-building, mats, and guild quests required, so this one should be pretty interesting.

Base% (Finish all base storylines, not including the timegated shit in the archives) (Different subcategories Normal, Survival, Permadeath):

This would be a fascinating category for no other reason than routing. You need to be doing four or five different things all at the same time, which should change dynamically based on the environment you find yourself in. Definitely would be a fascinating category, no idea how long it would take or exactly what form it would exist in.

All Dungeons (Atlas%, Artemis%, All Milestones, Base%, Maxed Multi/Ship/Suit slots, Possibly Races/Guilds Exalted, Permadeath Only):

Now this... this is the meme category we need. Every challenge the game has in one category (It shouldn't be called 100%, because there are going to be so many things we don't do). Probably 10 hours or more even with a tight run, but a lot of these things are easier than they appear. The only hard milestones are Extreme Survival and Zoology, and I think both can be routed in (It's unfortunate that it would be very difficult to do them both at the same time). Some components may need to be dropped to make the run feasible, but this is the one I really can't wait to try and route. Here are my initial thoughts:

Immediately after gaining access to your ship and hyperdrive, you cheese a very large amount of money as quickly as possible (1+ charted galaxies checking multitool until you get a good one, buying exosuit upgrades, talking to aliens as needed, picking up all of the quests that can be done concurrently, tagging the teleport, picking up the nanite cubes/trapezoids/discs, and buying whatever mats you may need. Then you complete a good chunk of the quests for nanites (Scan plants/minerals, take some pictures, kill some creatures, etc.), use the nanites to buy the more crucial upgrades to speed and efficiency, and get to work on the actual objectives (This is probably 4~5 hours into the run, maybe more).

You can do Atlas% on the way, with as many bubbles as you need for babelfish, just rename the last atlas galaxy if needed (I'm not sure how the teleport notification icon would work, maybe that suffices). Base%, Artemis%, and All Milestones now all happen at the same time. Maxed Ships/Multis can probably be cheesed later with portal coordinates. Alien rep can be cheesed with trading posts. Guild rep will be somewhat high from the milestones and quests, and it hopefully wouldn't be too out of the way to shore up afterwards, or maybe the guild rep requirement just gets dropped. Worst case scenario, when all's said and done (With the full 75 galaxies from the completion of Artemis%) you could go to all 75 galaxies, get another round of quests, and do them all in probably 1.5~2 hours.

So it would be 2~ hours of initial farming for money and setup, 25 hours of Artemis%, Base%, and Milestones, and potentially another chunk after that to clean up what's left. A degenerate, glorious run.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Scheff et D_Winds aime ceci
Massachusetts, USA

Nice, Great ideas yall. I am setting all of them up now :)

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