General Rules
4 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

these are no rules to follow during a run, but for submitting and or handling information needed from the runner. These rules do not have a major consequence but breaking the multiple times will be a problem.

  1. Do NOT ask for your run to be verified, we are given 2-3 weeks to verify all runs and we normally handle runs within 1-3 days if properly timed, and 3-5 if they need to be retimed.

  2. Do not use the forum for anything, the COD community is very transparent over at the discord ( the mods for the game use the forum to post updated rules and other things we find. It is not used for general questions, as it notifies everyone who is following the game and not just us mods.

  3. We have a very strict blacklist policy, in which if you are caught cheating (splicing, hacking, and any other form of advantage) you will be given a warning if it happens 3 times you will be retroactively blacklisted from the call of duty community. AKA all run you have submitted for all games will be pulled from COD related games. You will, however, be allowed to submit to other SRC games not related to COD.

  4. Posting of Guides and or resources must be passed through a mod first to reduce spam and incomplete work.

Any general questions about the rule list please contact me (KunoDemetries) and or any of the mods alongside us. (ON DISCORD preferably)

Submitting a run is showing you understand/accept these rules.

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