Sunlight soft lock?
8 years ago

For a couple of months I've been practicing Allied 12 : Sunlight. I've been aiming for 25mins. I'm guessing that I'm in the 30-35 range currently (not set up a timer yet) but have hit a problem. The map doesn't end. This has happened almost every time. I think it's because of units spawning off the map, waiting for a trigger to move onto the map and attack. Specifically there are Latin Dreadnoughts at the southern edge of the map. Sometimes they are far enough onto the map to target or hit with Thor splash damage. Sometimes killing them ends the map. Most of the time it doesn't. I'm guessing no one is really playing this map atm, but if anyone is, have you found the same problem or have any insight? A way around it maybe? Edit: Playing on Mental in case it makes a difference

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
United States

From the looks of it this hasn't been mentioned to the MO team. Make a post about it in detail here: -- Hopefully they'll have it patched for the next release. Speeder has said it'll be released 'soon', so most likely sometime this year.

It's cool to see people working on this game. Maybe with enough collective effort a full campaign run will be possible.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

So you managed to finish off the Sino-Soviet base before all scripted enemy reinforcements arrived?

ROMaster2: I'll have a look at the link and report it. I did try contacting speeder via twitter about bug reports. It would be nice to get some runs of this game up. It fast became one of my favourite games when I found it a year ago. So i'd be happy to talk about what I'm trying for this map.

Fortranm: I destroyed the base sometime after the nuke silo spawned but before any other scripted attacks occured (aside from a couple of paradrops). I'll have to look at the dev playthrough and see what happens later. I used their video to make a rough list of events and their times up to the nuke silo. Using it as a sort of rough pacing measure atm. ofc the video is from a future release so it might not be entirely accurate for the current release, but so far I've found it to sync with the current version without deviation.

Today I found that there can be 4 Latin dreadnoughts off the south of screen. Again, using battleships shooting at the edge of the map to hit them and trigger them into moving on screen. Seems last time I did this I was unlucky and only found 3 ships. Once the 4 ships were destroyed the map ended with an ingame time of 45:04. Using livesplit I estimate that I destroyed everything but those ships by 38:20. So my OP times of being in the 30-35 range were a bit optimistic but certainly achievable.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

That's absolutely impressive. The only time I beat this mission was on Easy, and I couldn't find a chance to attack the enemy base without risking to fail the mission until all scripted attacks are done and the enemy base kinda run out of money. I wonder when do those 4 Latin Dreadnoughts enter the screen if you don't destroy the Sino-Soviet base so quickly. Waiting for them would probably turn this mission into a quasi-autoscroller.

The level is pretty intimidating and very, very chaotic, esp in the first 10 mins. I used to take like 70-80 mins to complete it xD But it's not as tough as it seems.

Once you know the attack patterns, defending the Gladius sites is actually pretty easy and 'hands off'. Just gotta check them now and then to repair boats (Crazy Ivans, so unbelievable obnoxious, I've sworn out loud at them when playing on public transport) and to check for anything unusual. Now and then I'll find something weird happened, usually because Kirovs or Borillos targeted something unexpected and then take a strange, undefended, route to the Gladius. Even had 2 runs ended because a group of Borillos attacked something they almost never attack.

For speed running it the main challenge is not forgetting something in the first 10mins. Which is so easy to do because of the dozen or so things to remember. Then executing a smooth and fast attack against the main base is pretty tricky too.

From what Speeder said in the thread ROMaster2 linked, the Dreadnoughts spawn when required. They aren't there all the time. I'm guessing that I kill the Latin base (At like 10-12 mins I think) before they spawn and it somehow screws up the move/attack command. They can usually be killed with Battleship splash damage though, so you don't have to wait for them. It's just wasted time until it's patched. I can't stress how important getting the Latin base is though, you need that money.

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