Slight adjustment to rules!
5 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hey everyone, to help with video submissions, we've changed the rules on uploading a little bit.

First off, Gear view! Please display gear for atleast a few seconds so we can determine between Iceborne gear and World gear. Iceborne gear must be submitted to the Iceborne Leaderboards.

Secondly, Multiplayer submissions. To make sure that everyone is following all the correct rulesets. Please display ALL sides of view. You can do this by posting the link to another user in the speedrun in the description. Any video can work, youtube, twitch, as long as it's the speedrun! (effective as of today, 7th November 2019)

Thanks all! Best of luck in your runs!

Ontario, Canada

Personally if I was going to start running IL's again with people this requiring multiple perspectives for submissions is going to off putting for me to bother to submit runs since some people I previously have done runs with cannot capture themselves.

Gear should always be shown when starting up a run in ILs since there is time to do so before the hunt actually starts or even after its ending so that should just be a common thing for people to do.

I can understand to some point in why but as long as a video is provided in general I don't see the real reason to require multiple for MP ILs. If one of the players is doing IB ILs then obviously it does not belong here.

I'm not all to sure how things are being structured now, since I've been off MH for some time. Are all Base IL hunts being submitted here regardless of gear or do they need to be submitted to IB? One thing I could suggest is allowing tagging of runs that are using IB content in the Base ILs otherwise things are already far to complex for myself to bother with these boards anymore.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Base game ILs are still being ran, and although they are on Iceborne Patch, they don't have access to Iceborne changes (Like weapon attacks and clutch claw) so they can still be uploaded here. All other runs must be uploaded to Iceborne, even if you're running World gear, if you have a Master Rank at all, you MUST upload to Iceborne.

Multiplayer uploads is just for clarification, making sure everyone is following the ruleset they're submitting to. As well as all in World / Iceborne content. I'm sorry your friends aren't able to record their screens, but ultimately I believe this should have been a thing a while ago. PC had made this change a few months ago. So we would like to keep some things consistent across all the boards. Understandably, not everyone has Iceborne, we may look into reviewing this rule soon.

As for gear, yes I agree, it should be happening anyway, however we're enforcing it now to make sure Iceborne runs aren't being uploaded here. On that note: If anyone had their run rejected due to Iceborne gear, and you don't see the quest you did, please upload to Not-Listed Quest.

MASH aiment ceci
Florida, USA

PS4 and XBox One have native recording. PS4 can record up to an hour. XBox One can record up to 10 min. Save that to a thumb drive and upload as normal. If anyone needs instructions on how to record with their console, a simple google search gets you to a lot of resources. You can even record the past 5 minutes on both platforms without having already started a recording (similar to Shadowplay) making saving PB/WR runs easier.

The real reason for the multiple videos for MP has been damage value verification and the fact we're making the recorder verify armor but not the other participants. Its obviously more of an issue on PC (because of the accessibility to mods), but has been observed in console runs too. At that point we can only say "it looks the other hunter is cheating" but we have no way to prove it. This makes the verification more consistent when we suspect there are issues.

As far as the complexity of the boards, if you have Iceborne (i.e. access to MR equipment and clutch claw), you submit runs to the IB boards. If you do not own Iceborne (no access to MR equipment or clutch claw), you submit to the "Base" MHW boards.

MASH aiment ceci
Ontario, Canada

Thank you for the clarifications. I'm aware they can take clips or w.e I'll see about getting them to work it out just seemed easier console wise before the changes but understandable like iv said.

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