Load Times & Timing Via In-Game Time
3 years ago
Puerto Rico

While watching different I've noticed that load times between the PC version and Switch of the game seem to be a bit of and after going through and timing the loads it turns out that in a standard Demo% run on PC version saves around 52 seconds on average assuming the load time are the same between demo and standard version in an Oltura% run it PC versions saves up to 8-10 minutes alone on loads.

A solution to this would be to time runs through In-Game% which would mean no one loses any time due to loading screens however it could be very difficult to time loading screens and verify across a several hour long speedrun and I don't think there is a perfect solution to the issue.

PC and Switch Comparison: Run footage by @TheR3dSpade

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Puerto Rico

Also, though I haven't tested it PC's versions could give faster or slower loads depending on the model and the settings that the game is ran at.

Modifié par l'auteur 3 years ago
Florida, USA

I've discussed this in the Discord and tested it myself: the in-game time begins when you select "New Game" from the main menu. This includes DLC redemption menus and charactee creation in timing. Unfortunately the in-game timer has already been ruled out as a timing method.

I also want to point out, I compared this recording to my recording. My loads are eveb faster than these. The only tool to "level the playing field" would be a load remover for PC platform. However, before such a tool is created, we will need to gauge the interest in the speedrun.

Lets get some runs on the leaderboard and see how comparable the platforms are before we start reinventing it.

BananaGuy aiment ceci
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