Boss Rush Category?
2 years ago

Is there an existing Boss Rush Category, if so what are the rules and if not what would I have to do to make one?

Thanks, I don't really get why there is one, because well, same skillset doesnt mean there can't be one, but thanks!


i would be very open for one


Sounds fun, I’d do it :)


What you're essentially asking for is a category where the determining factors are whether Mistral's barrel explodes, whether Mistral skips the second phase slide, whether Monsoon does a melee attack at the start, how lucky you get with prethrowing grenades on Monsoon, whether your save file doesn't have HP upgrades, and how good you are at Armstrong.

All the boss strategies besides Armstrong are very simple and mostly animation-locked in terms of speed with just an hour or so of practice.


Yeah it’s a category where we fight for frames, I quite enjoy that in the Metal gear series. But I agree we could just make it a CE and leave the main board alone.

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