Quick note on leaderboard update
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

For people who aren't in the discord:

We've decided to add separate mod categories for all 3 games that allow the use of the Expanded Speedrun Mod made by KR33PYK1NG. These mods mostly just reduce downtime during the runs significantly by allowing all dialogue/cutscenes to be skippable. This saves 35 minutes in Mass Effect 1, 10-15 minutes in Mass Effect 2, and ~1 hour in Mass Effect 3. The default displayed categories on the leaderboard will remain the "no mod" categories.

buttercandy aiment ceci
United States

This may seem like a silly question, but would using your Speedrun Mod (LE2) files count as a "Mod" run or a "No Mod" run? If using Speedrun Mod (LE2) would make a run invalid for "No Mod", is there a "No Mod" valid way to bind dialog to scroll wheel?

Same questions for ME1 and the ME1 Coalesced file (with dialogue skip bound to mouse wheel) as well as ME3 and whatever scrollwheel bind solution I eventually find. I'm really just trying to use scroll wheel for dialog skip throughout the series.

Thank you for the clarification and any assistance you can provide.


I destroyed my mouse wheel because I was lazy to google: "Autohotkey tap button while pressed" or something I don't remember (its simple macros)

Yahmez aiment ceci
Pennsylvania, USA

Hi Yahmez,

Binding dialogue skip to mouse wheel is acceptable for no-mod runs. You should be able to figure out how to edit the coalesced files yourself without too much difficulty (stuff is pretty well documented online). I'm not 100% sure this works exactly the same for LE (cannot check right now), but I made a post explaining how to manually edit these files for the original version of Mass Effect 2 here: https://www.speedrun.com/me2/guides/tyqn2 . It should at least tell you the correct names for the things you need to change to get text skipping to work.

It seems like it's a little different process to actually edit coalesced files for LE, but this reddit post I think should explain it properly. https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/185m4so/couldnt_find_coalescedini_on_steam_did_they_remove/

Modifié par l'auteur 6 months ago
United States

Thank you both for the quick responses and for pointing me in the right directions!