Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Unofficial Category Extensions - The Ultimate Level Guide
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Unofficial Category Extensions - The Ultimate Level Guide
Mis à jour 3 years ago par BurpyBoyGD

(This guide now has obsolete seeds due to the release of 1.18.)

"𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤, 𝘛𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘒𝘯𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘴" (It says "Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles" for old device users)

The best (and only) way to find various dyes is to craft them from flowers. There is practically nowhere else you can find dyes to dye sheep.

The seed "364" is a pretty good flower forest seed. It has a few poppies, as well as a swamp biome. It also has some orange tulips, and even a bit of cornflowers so you don't need lapis lazuli. It sadly has barely any sheep at spawn, so it may take a while to find some sheep, creating a time waster.

You don't actually need to find an orange tulip to make orange dye. You can just combine red and yellow dye, which is known as "dandelion strats". To find a lot of sheep, you would need a village. Sheep can randomly spawn in village pens, and instead of finding poppies, you could find rose bushes instead.

And I think that's all I have to say about the "Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles" level.

"𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳" (It says "Cure Villager" for old device users)

Edit: I used to actually think that this was the hardest level in the entire game, but I realized that igloos exist. A user also requested a category for the level, where you don't use an igloo. I hope that gets to be part of the category extension. This will be focusing more on how to cure a villager without an igloo.

To cure a zombie villager, you need to throw a splash potion of weakness at it, then feed it a golden apple. The zombie villager will then begin shaking, and when the zombie villager no longer has any effects, it will be cured.

This also lowers the original prices of the villager's trades, which is basically saying "I'm genuinely grateful for you curing me. It is better than anything in the world. Even emeralds. As an award, I'm lowering my prices. Now instead of getting one emerald after 32 sticks, you get one emerald after 8 sticks!"

You need to trap the zombie villager to do this. This can be done by doing what Dream basically always does when trading with piglins. Digging a 2-block deep hole. If you're feeling like a pro-Minecrafter, you could make it a 1x1 hole too. This is done to avoid the zombie villager jumping out and attacking you, because it's not like you're going to give it jump boost 2 or something.

Even if you get a brewing stand from an acacia village (or a church) then you'll still need to go to the nether to obtain blaze powder. If there aren't any acacia villages or churches with a brewing stand, then you could just get another blaze rod.

You also need a fermented spider eye to turn a water bottle into a weakness potion. This can be done by obtaining a spider eye, a brown mushroom, and sugar. Sugar can be crafted from sugar canes, and brown mushrooms can be found in mushroom biomes. You also have a 50/50 chance of getting a spider eye when killing a spider.

You need gunpowder to turn the potion into a splash potion. This can obviously be obtained from killing a creeper, and even though they're overpowered, gunpowder can also be obtained from killing a witch.

(Okay but seriously I was literally speedrunning one time and I died to a witch when I was in a desert temple)

You need 3 glass to make a glass bottle, and glass can be obtained by smelting sand. Just like in real life. Blaze powder can also be crafted from a blaze rod. One blaze rod creates two blaze powder items. You can then collect water with the bottle.

It's brewing time. First, you need the blaze powder for fuel. You need to add the fermented spider eye to turn the water bottle into a weakness potion, and then use your gunpowder to turn the weakness potion into a splash potion of weakness.

After throwing the splash potion at the zombie, you need to feed it a golden apple before the effect ends. This could be obtained in the nether. You need 72 gold nuggets (A stack and 8 ) to make all the required ingots, or 0.875 of a gold block. You can also obtain apples through leaves on a tree, or through village chests. Apples can't be planted.

I want to say a bit more, but I can't think of what to say. So I believe that's all you need to know to cure a zombie villager.

"𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘐𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘮" (It says "Kill Iron Golem" or old device users)

Killing iron golems are really easy. This only really needs 2 paragraphs. Since the combat system in Bedrock is older and slightly different from Java, swords actually do more damage than axes do. Plus, killing mobs with axes wears out the durability way faster than swords. There are ways to kill iron golems without getting completely annihilated. Because of how big iron golems are, you can actually kill iron golems in a 3-block deep hole. Make sure not to do any critical hits while doing so. Not only will your hitbox be closer to the iron golem, but you'll starve pretty quickly, since hunger bars go down way faster in Bedrock than in Java in easy difficulty or above.

Another way is building a 4-block tall tower, so the iron golem can't hit you. This could actually be an advantage, because in easy difficulty or above, because the iron golem actually goes to you. You can also actually do critical hits this time, since you're actually getting farther away from the iron golem. Not closer. Blacksmiths actually have the best chest(s) in a village if you want to beat the game. You can obtain iron tools, iron armor, diamonds, and obsidian. You need an iron sword from the chest. Either that, or you could make a diamond sword, either from the blacksmith chest or some buried treasure. Buried treasure can have iron, gold, diamonds, or a heart of the sea. See? I told you it only really needed 2 paragraphs.

"𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘓" (You get the idea. "Build an L")

This one needs barely any explanation. You can either get nature blocks, (dirt, sand, mycelium, etc.) or get obsidian blocks from a chest after spawning in a blacksmith, which is faster. If you get blocks from a chest however, you need to go back outside, because the blacksmith roof will keep you from reaching the 4-block mark. Maybe.

The world record strategy actually uses sugar canes, because you can instantly break them and they're literally transparent blocks. The disadvantage is that they can only be found on beach biomes, which are usually decently far from spawn, and they can also only be placed adjacent to a water block.

"𝘫𝘦𝘣_" (Should I even explain anymore? "jeb_")

This is the last level I'm talking about, then we'll move on to the normal categories. This level is about the infamous easter egg where you name a sheep "jeb_" to make the wool color cycle through all the wool colors, or just be rainbow. This is the 2nd hardest level in my opinion, even though only two people have speedran it. Those people are named WinstontheGamer and Ayiruk_Pascal, so shoutout to those people. Name tags can be found by fishing with the "Luck of the Sea" enchantment, trading with level 5 librarians, and it can also be found in temples and strongholds.

You may need to get some experience points, or XP so you can change the name of the name tag. You can obtain XP by killing any mob, or mining ores like coal, nether quartz, diamond, and emerald. It can also be obtained by fishing or trading, which are also the methods to getting name tags. Anvils can be crafted with 31 iron ingots. 27 of them are used for the iron blocks. They can also be found in villages, but I've never seen one in a village house.

Even if there is an anvil in a village, you can't use it unless you have 93 iron ingots, which is more than enough to make one anvil, so you can just stick to mining iron, getting some iron from buried treasure, killing the iron golem, trade for iron, and so many other ways. When you get the required iron, a good strategy is to turn a villager into a fletcher using a fletching table, (which can be crafted using 4 planks and 2 flint) get tons of emeralds from trading sticks, and keep trading until you get a name tag trade from a librarian.


One day, I was typing random seeds, when I find one that would be absolutely perfect for the Dank category. That seed is "LNCGMDR". You spawn on an island with a bit of trees and a lava pool. The ocean also has some kelp and iron ores. I actually took some screenshots of the coordinates of each necessary item. Here they are:

Lava Pool: 182, 67, 64 Nearest Tree: 238, 71, -50 Iron (Underwater): 222, 50, 30 Nearest Kelp: 303, 30, -53

The reason why the lava pool is necessary is because of fire spreads. Any wooden block (logs, wood, planks, fletching tables, crafting tables, etc.) is flammable, so you can just put lava behind a wooden block, and the fire spreads to the dried kelp block, lighting said block on fire. Thus, completing the run.

The end is actually completely RNG based. I actually recorded the last 30 seconds of a run, and the kelp block instantly lit. The run I recorded on my phone, however, the dried kelp block didn't light on fire. It just disappeared. I deleted that video.

Honorable Mentions: (New Ones)

"Build a Snowman"

Someone requested to add building a snowman to the leaderboards, and it was one of the mod's favorite ideas, even though it's pretty easy, even though that makes it a bit better.

My assumption is that you turn a snow golem into a snowman by shearing it, because snow golems are not called snowmen. You would need to find a snowy village, not only for iron for some shears, but also because hay bales are actually replaced with pumpkins.

If you indeed need to take the pumpkin off of the snow golem, then you will not only need shears to create a carved pumpkin, but also to take the pumpkin off. Snow blocks can be created from 4 snowballs, and snowballs can be obtained by digging a path (using the left trigger or right click) in snow layers with any shovel. This is actually how my "Break a Tool" speedrun will work.

"Scouted Seed"

(You need a pretty high render distance, and show coordinates enabled for this.)

This is very simple. Do the following:

1: Start a stopwatch on your first input, and do a sub 10. 2: /locate village and write the coordinates. Hope that it has a blacksmith with obsidian (max = 6) and isn't abandoned. 3: /locate stronghold and go there. Look for the portal, and write down the coordinates near it. 4: /locate ruinedportal and write the coordinates. If the chest has no obsidian, make a portal using lava and water from the iron golem or blacksmith. 5: Go to the nether. 6: /locate fortress and find the blaze spawner. Write the coordinates. If you get 10 obsidian from the blacksmith and ruined portal, that is great. Just multiply the X and Z coordinates by 8 and go there with your obsidian in the overworld. 7: Go find a warped biome, then write down the coordinates. 8: Pause, then write down the seed. 9: Do the usual.


/locate bastionremnant. Most speedrunners use a bastion in 1.16, but tons of people have horrible luck. Myself included. Seriously, I've only ever gotten obsidian once. There's no way I'm getting an ender pearl.

/locate temple. This may drop you off in a swamp biome, and also most desert temples don't have diamonds anyway.


Drink a bottle of water. That's it. The fastest way to smelt early-game is with a blast furnace, which can spawn in the house of stone masons. Smelt sand to get glass, and craft a bottle. Get your water from a nearby water source. The hardest problem is finding fuel. 2 planks, logs, or buttons (since this Bedrock Edition) would do the trick. It takes 3 seconds to mine wood with no tool though.

The WR actually uses a water bottle from a buried treasure chest nearby though.

And that's all for now. And remember, stay quick, have fun, and speedrun!

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