You can’t just speedrun random crap in Minecraft! That barely even counts as a speedrun! I want both Java and Bedrock edition to be banned because:
- People here are stupid and over dramatic.
- It takes way too much effort for useless runs.
? Some people like it. If you don't, just find another game.
Minecraft is just cool, so it's possible that people are dramatic, but some people just have fun with cool or even easy Speed-Runs!
is this a joke?(probably yes,this man has subway surf in his runs)
EeeZeePeeZee08: NO! YOU CAN’T JUST SPEEDRUN RANDOM CRAP IN MINECRAFT! Speedrunners: hehe random speedruns go brrrrr
bruh this is the dumbest post this game has ever seen. people need to get a brain or sense of humor and stop trying to be funny
oh no people like to play a video game :shocked emoji: this can simply just not be!
They probably just posted this because the run is too hard for them and they only tried it once
Games: Exist to be played Random Karen: Noooooooo!! i only like subway surf anything i suck at needs BAN!!!
'You can’t just speedrun random crap in Minecraft!' Bruh, 90% of the games in have at least 1 unnecessary/random category, including most of the games this guy speedran.
you call the people here stupid and over dramatic, and yet you propose banning minecraft from the leaderboards does that not seem a bit over dramatic? also, you say running minecraft takes too much effort? whats even the point of running a game if it takes no effort?
The game is popular because it is a good speedrun and good for casual play in general. You can't just expect to be the best in the world when there are hundreds of people and many that have ran the game for many years.
The thing is, speed running can be whatever you want. It can be arbitrary, stupid and also downright fun. There’s no real way to speedrun. It’s all about the community and the runners themselves if they want or don’t want to do certain categories. You can’t put a definition on speedrunninf because it reality it can be whatever you want it to be
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