f3 rebind
can I use a mod to rebind f3 because I have a laptop with a 60% keyboard and f3 keybinds are anoyingly hard to execute
No you can’t use a mod but you can use ahk or some other software to rebind
To rebind keys, you can download AutoHotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/, make sure to get version 1.1) and create a file with your desired key bindings. For instance, if you want to swap the keys "F3" and "r", you can create a file and name it something.ahk with the following content:
#IfWinActive Minecraft
Launch the file, and the input of keys "F3" and "r" will be swapped (which means pressing "r" will open the debug menu).
You can customize the key bindings as desired, see this for help: <https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/KeyList.htm>
**Rebind Rules**
You may remap keys using external programs, but:
• Each game input may have only one key, and each key may cause only one game input
• F3 shortcuts (such as F3+C, Shift+F3, etc.) can't be bound to a single button
• Inputs must be buttons - no scrolling the scroll-wheel or similar
• Rebinding "Attack/Destroy" or "Use Item/Place Block" to a keyboard button in order to abuse as an autoclicker is not allowed
Sorry for the formatting I copied this and cba to fix
Modifié par l'auteur
Updated Legal Mods + New Sodium Options
(1.6.4-1.15.2 & 1.16.5-1.21.4) Atum 1.3.1: Shows starting difficulty in F3 in 1.16.5+, removes formatting sequences in hotkey names in 1.7-1.8.9 (will reset hotkeys), ports to 1.13(.0) and 1.20.1
(1.17-1.21.4) Planfolia 1.2.0: Cleans up Sodium debug text, port to
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