Update to rules for all current categories
1 year ago


-Visible LiveSplit

-Clear footage of the game

-Console/Emulator/Region clarity (make sure all 3 are correct when submitting runs)

Any% Rules:

-Timer starts on choosing to start a new game

-Timer ends on last hit to Sophia

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

Boss Rush Rules:

-Timer starts on selecting "Grave Danger" in overworld

-Timer ends on the last hit to Sophia

-You may set up a save file however you would like before starting the run

-Only first level and Boss fight are required for each world

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

July 2001 Beta Rules:

-Timer starts on choosing to start a new game

-Timer ends on final hit to Gus

-Only possible to run on Emulator

All Kisses Rules:

-Timer starts when hitting X to start new game

-Timer ends on last hit to Sophia

-Must collect all 4 kisses

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

100% Rules:

-Timer starts on choosing to start a new game

-Timer ends on last hit to final boss

-You must achieve 100% Mastery in every level

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

Low% Rules:

-Timer starts on choosing to start a new game

-Timer ends on last hit to final boss

-Kill as few enemies and collect as few pre-spawned collectibles as possible

-Lowest % will place you higher on the leaderboard, then time

-Save and confirm % at the end of the run

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

NG+ Rules:

-Timer starts on selecting "Grave Danger" on completed profile

-All 25 levels MUST be played

-Timer ends on last hit to final boss

-You may set up a save file however you would like before starting the run

-Emulator runs must be submitted in Emulator section

IL Rules:

For regular levels;

-Timer starts on level select in overworld -Timer ends the moment you break the crystal -Emulator allowed

For Bosses;

-Timer starts on intro cutscene (the moment you step on the platform that triggers the boss fight to start) -Timer ends on final hit -Emulator allowed

For Achille & Sophia;

-Timer starts on pressing "X" to skip cutscene

-Emulator allowed

You can start any of the 25 levels with any of the following;

-Any/All powerups

-As much armor as you desire

-Any Sword type (Flame, Pure, Ice, Armageddon)

-Any amount of keys (Gold key kept from "Bridge Skip" is allowed)

Modifié par l'auteur 1 year ago
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