After the level
7 years ago

Ok so I understand that the timer starts when you gain control on chapter 4-1 but at the end of 4-1 when te cutscene appears the tiler should stop ? Is this right ? And starts again when you gain control in 4-2 ? And stops the same way ? Am I correct ? Or does the timer need to be running at all times until the final cutscene. Pls help me, would like to speedrun this game :)

Also, I do not own a capture card so I would want to record this run on a camera with decent quality and add the splits later on. Is that alright to do ? And is that good enough proof ? Tnx

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
WiiSuper aiment ceci

No, once the timer starts it doesn't stop until the end.

Recording with a camera should be fine as long as it doesn't stutter about too much. Some cheaper cameras can do that and can make it awkward to validate runs. Make sure the camera's facing the screen as much as possible, not tilted left, right, up or down as much as possible.

WiiSuper et Prnced aime ceci
New York, USA

about the lack of a capture card, yeah you could use another camera to record this, just try to use a high quality camera, people won't like it if you record on a potato, but its 2017 so you should be fine lol

WiiSuper et Prnced aime ceci
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