Lightning Returns Normal% Guide
Lightning Returns Normal% Guide
Mis à jour 4 years ago par D_Winds

Updated Jul 2020 - General tips/rules:

  • time starts when you confirm difficulty after "New Game", ends when you clear the results screen on Bhunivelze (AutoSplitter is enabled, courtesy of Roosta. Can display a timer with loads or without (I sometimes display both)).

  • hug the walls and corner turns, it saves more time than you think; note though, pressing up against the wall will cause Lightning to slowly push off, and you don't want this pointless time loss

  • keep your running ATB constantly in the blue; takes twice as long to load when it's run out and red; just alternate walking and running as you see fit; hold Sprint when you are moving forward in the air and when jumping out of a roll/end of a slide, as its faster; climbing ladders fills up running ATB, so try to approach them with a near-empty blue bar; while you want to avoid any extra encounters, escaping from them does fill your ATB to full

  • you will be Guard Cancelling most combo finishers (pressing or holding Guard mid-flip, like the 5th element cast or 3rd Blitz strike, cuts the animation time in half and lets you begin a new combo string)

  • if you can Perfect Time your attacks, do so; higher Damage Output results; Overclocking fills up each ATB to full once it runs out

  • when skipping cutscenes, some cutscenes have a tiny delay before you can skip them, and pausing the game too early result in the game not prompting you for the Skip button; you have to playthrough the game yourself and get a feel for when this is, but overall it's half a second; I will try to type out when I skip a scene, but some I may have missed

  • skip all Tutorials; an occasional small timesave is pressing Back, which sometimes defaults you to either the Exit selection in the menu, or closes out the menu entirely; Mashing X clears Sentences, new EP Abilities, Item Obtained messages etc. faster, though it doesn't apply to Warp Locations discovered

  • watch the WR to understand other movement nuances; all runners follow similar general patterns

ST = Skip Tutorial SC = Skip Cutscene CT = Clear Text AQ = Accept Quest QC = Quest Complete GC = Guard Cancel OC = Overclock Equilibrium = EQ = The Saviour Dark Muse = DM Passion Rouge = PR Vengeance = VG Midnight Mauve = MM Velvet Bouncer = VB

tltldrdr guide

D1=(disc1P)1P3PD2WP-attack3Guards-sleep=D2-sleep4-runLN-Y-getBlitz-buyVB-sellShield+RecoveryItems-KnoTour-SnkIn-MENU(VB, DM->EQ)-teleLN-FE-3Fans-phone(get3shinies)-sleep-D3=sleep1-code-crest-baird-LuxS-DD-PR (sell shinies)-RN-NG-Galestrike-(earlyImperil)-Crux-(3)SoulSeeds-GC-RufB-runback-Crux-AtmTab-teleLN-Noel1OC-ShaHun-menu-teleR-Mal-Ado-RS-NG-Gur1OC-Crux-DF-Tab2-dayendnoenc-D4=DD-W-ChEater1OC-teleWil-Cano-Sarala-Jagd-VG-Nadia(3Ferts)-MenuVG-teleW-Cano-(healBirdpreAndpostHotel)-HandIn3-FIXED-Plant2-2Enfrost1Vig-sleep6=D5-pick2-plant3-feed-ride-sleep4-buy2Enfire-pick3-Aryas-YeulFlower-BG-teleWil-feedBird-WilRes-Sazh-teleY-Chocolina-dayend-D6-GateGuy-Clops1OC-FWBoss-teleY-2xF-Funicula-SkataneEnfire-backwards-3xF-Sarzak-Forge(sellScara+Lib+shinies,1Kik1DG)-menu-Laughterhouse-MagGremlins-Anubii-Zaltii-MM-Sarzak-ToC-MENU-2Anubii1OC-dayendnoenc-D7=Snow(3OC)-teleJ-Polta-sleep5-D8=Temple-Caius(3OC)-teleR-Fang-MazeGur1OC-Tab2-MENU-teleR-sleep-D9=sleep5-RS-GC-Tab3-teleJ-MogVil-Drayds2OC-dayendnoenc-D10-RS-DF-Cactair(2OC)+Fang-teleR-handInMal-sleep-D11-Panda(3OC)-teleWilRes-Sazh-teleLux-sleepD12-4HeroPotions-returnSleep-SuperGarbs+Decoy-final day bananza-equip buffed drops-Bhuni

tl;dr guide

Anubys -> 1Thun 2Blizz 5Thun STAGGER 4Attack Niblet -> 4-5Thun Anubys -> 3Attack Guard STAGGER 5Attack Ignore Potion Shop Following Snow, run through maze to Zaltys. Zaltys -> 1Thun 2Blizz 5Thun STAGGER 2Attack GC OC 5Attack STAGGER Attack/OC until dead Ark-4 cubes-Discard 1 Potion-EscapeZaltys-Hope-Buy 3 Phoenix Downs + 2 Warrior Potions

Day1 Tele down, fight 3 Guards, escaping each, grab Fighter's Emblem, sleep at hotel to 6. Talk to Hope about red things. Get Lib+JuSo+RM cube. Tele down.

Day2 - Sleep 4. Yus. BlitzLv2 sphere. Velvet Bouncer. Augurs Quarter Gate. Knowledgable Tourist. Sneak In Band Man. MENU:

EQ -> VB Sword -> Lib Acc -> FE Abilities -> Thunder, Light Guard, Blitz

DM -> EQ Abs -> Blizz, Attack, Guard, BlitzLv2

Tele LuxNo. Attack ! Fantatic. OC Blitx GC Blitz x2 GC Blitz GC x2 Blitz x3. Phone. Get 3 shinies. Hotel. Sleep 6.

Day3- Return. Sleep 1. Check code nearby (2nd number). Guess code -> [1-3][4-6]0[7-9]. Proceed through graveyard. Crest. Baird. Soul Ticket. LuxSo. DeadDunes. Sell shinies. Passion Rouge. Near God's Stat. Galestrike. Crux. Soul Seeds if you see any. Grave Colossi Stat.

Since you are going for early SAHAGIN...

MENU: MW -> PR (Default it) Weapon - > CB Abs -> Depro2, Deshell2, Guard, Blizz VB -> Abs -> Gstrike EQ -> Sickle (if you got the drop)

Deprotect-Blitzx3 (1 from EQ, 2 from VB) Blitzx3 (1 from EQ, 2 from VB) -5Blizz - Blitzx3 combos between VB and EQ (be sure the third Blitz is from VB). ~18s.

RuffianBorder. Backwards and around. Crux. Atmos Shrine. Tab below. Tele(+Menu if didnt earlier, adding Defaith/Imperil over Blitz on EQ). LuxNo. Warren. NOEL:

Blizz x4 Guard Thun x2 Depro x2 WP Blizz x5 STAGGER Galestrike x3 Blitz x4-5 OC Blitz to dead. Guard again if he tries to smack you some more. ~26s

Shadow Hunter. TeleRuf. Adonis. RufStat. NearGod. GURAN:

Depro+Deshell+Imperil/Defaith 5 Blizz 5 Galestrikes STAG Blitz OC Blitz x7-8

Run down and right. Crux. Dry Flood Stat. Tab 2. Day end no encounter.

Day4 - TeleDeadStation. Train to Wildlands, ChocoboEater:

Depro , block his attack. WP. Blitz x4. OC Blitz. Blitz to dead.

Canopus. 2 Greens for the bird. Sarala. Run to Jagd forest, 3 Fertilizers, Cole, Jagd Village. Buy Vengeance. Arc right and accept quest from Nadia. Tele Wil. Cano. Sara. Hand in all Ferts. Switch FPS Fixed. Plant 2. Buy 2 Enfrost + 1 Vigilance Potion. Sleep to next day. Switch to Dynamic FPS.

Day 5- Get 2 blooms. Switch to fixed FPS. Plant 3 more. Feed bird 1 Chocobull + 1 Green + 1 Milk. Switch to Dynamic FPS. Hop on. Run to hotel. Sleep to 4. Go to General store for 2 Enfire Potions. Get 3 blooms. Run to Aryas. GetYeul's flower in back right. Leave village and head for Beloveds Gift (Fira sphere is optional). Tele Wil. Run down onto bird, left to Wil Research Camp. Blizzara behind Camp (optional). Sazh. Tele to Yus. Chocolina, Complete Key to her Heart quest. Grab Wolf's Emblem. Keep running through alleyway towards Gate Guy. Day should end.

Day6 - Maze - Cyclops:

Depro. BeatDown x2. OC. BeatDown x6. STAG. BeatDown x2 (buffer from VG into VB post OC). Blitz.

Maze to Augur's. Sneak In Pass. Sarzak. Fireworks Boss. Tele Yus. 2x Fireworks Worker. Funicula. Skatane (5x Fireworks):

Imperil+Depro Enfire Potion Blitz x5.

Backwards toward Hotel. 3x Fireworks Worker. Augur's. Boss. Sarzak. Run to Slaughterhouse, Forge. Sell Lib+Sacra/Devil swords, and all shinies. Buy Kikui + Dragon Gauntlet. MENU

VB -> Kikui + DraGau VG -> ShadowHunter PR -> Guard -> Magnet (if dropped)

Slaughterhouse: Gremlins -> Magnet - Blitz to dead Anubys -> Depro 3xBlizzara or 5x Blizzards Beat Down x2 or Blitz to death. Guard to STAG if needed. Zaltys (for both)-> Imperil. Depro. Enforst. Wait for VG ATB to reach 60. Beatdown x2. STAG. Blitz to death.

Menu. Equip MM over VG. Sarzak. Thorn of Courage. Maze (you are only allowed to Escape one encounter from this palace). Menu. Equip ToC, and Femme Fatale on PR. 2 Anubii:

Depro on both. Blitz x4. OC Blitz to kill. End day at Serah Pendant or encounter, before Snow door.

D7 - Return. SNOW:

*Imp+Deshell+Depro (Enfire Potion when he punches you) OC Firax3 STAG Blitz OC Blitz to win. ~18s

*There is a manip now. If you load a savefile just before Snow, enter the fight and escape, then playthrough the game all the way to Snow, he will give you an optimal pattern, with an immediate Recast after your Debuffs. The strat above expects you are also doing this. If not, cast debuffs until he uses Recast.

Tele Jagd. Polta. Sleep 5. Buy 2 Enfrost + 3 Enaero. Temple. Day ends somewhere. D8 - Get Aeroga if no Magnet. CAIUS:

Imp x2 Depro x2 OC EnAero. Blitz spam to win. ~18s

Pick up Chaos Revenge. Menu it onto VB. Tele Ruf. Ado. Fang now in party. RufStat. NearGods. Run east to God's Hand. Maze. SancStat. More Maze. GURAN:

Imp+Depro+Deshell 3 Fira Galestrike STAGGER Blitz x3 to kill. OC can be used at any point.

Finish Maze to 2nd Mural. Tele Ruf. Sleep 6.

D9 - Return. Sleep 5. Ruf Stat ->GraveColossiStat. Tab 3. Tele Jagd. Mog Vil. Dryads:

They die from 5-7 Blitz, just OC on the triple and double battle. Deprotect the single/double fights. Magnet is optional.

Run towards the Mog Circle. Talk to Mog. Follow him. Receieve Fragment. Day end no enc.

D10- Ruf. RufStat. DryStat. Equip Aeroga over Blizzara/Blizzard if you don't have Magnet. Menu on Aeroras if they dropped from the Dryads. Cactair:

2OC available. Magnet to death, or Aeroga to death (can throw in debuffs/Galestrikes to kill time for ATB to recharge).

TeleRuf. Mal. Sleep.


Enaero. Wait for ProtectiveCircle to end. 9 -ra spells, between Fira and Blizzara. You can also try 6 Firas from MM and follow with Thunders from VB. STAGGER. Imp+Depro+Blitz to win. Got 3 OCs so use them freely. Can stagger again with 3 more Firas or 5 Galestrikes so he'll stop attacking you.

Run backwards. TeleWildResCamp. If you have no Fira from the Sphere, and no Aerora drop, pick up the Blizzara sphere behind the camp. Tele Lux North. Sleep 6.

D12 - Buy 4 Hero Potions from Hope. Return. Sleep6.


Get Super Garbs and Decoy. MENU.

Dark Muse+ Chaos Revenge Dragon Gauntlet Fighter's Emblem -Nothing- Thunder/-raspell/buffed Atk ability Light Guard Heavy Slash Lv4 Galestrike/buffed Atk ability

Equilibrium+ Kikuichimonji DoubleCross Wolf's Emblem Thorn of Courage Thunder/Blizzard/-ra spell Guard Attack Lv4 Imperil

Passion Rouge Shadow Hunter Lotus -Nothing- Collector Catalog Depro 2 Guard Blizzara/other -ra spell Deshell 2

Super Guards.

OC. 4 Blizzara. Heavy Slash. STAG. 2nd target. Depro x2. Attack -> HS x2. Same thing to the first one to kill.


Imp Depro 2 Blizzara Enfrost Attack->HeavySlash Lv 4 x2 STAG OC HS until dead.


P1 - Vig Potion during Doom. Enaero Potion. This Enaero should last the whole fight. Imp x2 Depro x2. Blizzara x2 - Attack x4 - Heavy Slash. Keep up the A-HS combo until STAG. Should cast 2 more Imperils. OC A-HS. Each OC should grant you 3 of these combos. Keep up Attack + HS if ATB allows it, preferably before he recovers from Stagger for too long.

P2 - Attack. Decoy. Hero's Potion. Imp x4. Depro x2. Blizzara x2, and no more. Attack 4 - Heavy Slash about 4 times. OC. Continue the combo. STAGGER in OC for a good chance at WoD Skip. Recast Depro if you must. Keep up the A-HS combo, you can Guard WoD but its likely it will kill you. If you know how to Guard-Depro spam so that Lightning shuffles backwards, the spell can be avoided.

P3 - Hero Potion. Imp x2 Depro x2. Blizzara x3. Attack x4 - Heavy Slash. Once STAGGER, HS immediately for the extra damage. Use an OC to continue the A-HS combos.

P4 - Use -ra spells and the single ones. Do not debuff yet. Staggers in 12-18 ra spells. Imp+Depro+Atk+HS until dead. You can use a Hero's Potion to tank Cataclysm.

Timer automatically stops at clearing the results screen.

==The below is a few route iterations old, but is still valid==

tltl;drdr guide:

D1=(disc1P)1P3PD2WP-3Guards-sleep=D2-sleep4-runLN-Y-buyVB-sellShield+RecItems-WE-GateGuy-SnkIn-MENU(VB, DM->EQ)-teleLN-3Fans-FE-phone-sleep-D3=sleep1-code-crest-baird-LS-DD-PR-RN-NG-Gip-DeFaith-Crux-Seed-GC-RufB-Crux-AtmTab-MENU(PR, Gip)-teleLN-NoelOC-ShadowHunter-teleR-Mal-Ado-RS-NG-GurOC-Crux-DF-Tab2-dayendnoenc-D4=DD-W-ChEater-Cano-Sarala-2Seeds(8am)-Jagd-VG-4Ferts-teleW-Cano-HandIn4-FIXED-Plant3-2Enfrost1Vig-sleep18-pick3-plant4-feed-ride-sleep4-pick4-dismount-feed-mount-Firewyrm-BG-teleW-WilRes-Blzra-Sazh-Sphere-dayendnoenc-D5=Y-ClopsOC-FWB-teleRuf-Fang-RN-IMPERIL-Maze-SS-GurNoOC-Mazep2-Mur2-MENU(Imp+Blzra+Firewyrm)teleY-2xF-Funicula-SkataneOC-sleepnextrday-D6=sleep19-3xF-Sarzak-Forge(1Kik1DG)-Laughterhouse-OCGremlins-OCAnubii-Zaltii-MM-Sarzak-ToC-MENU(FF+ToC)-2Anubii-dayendnoenc-D7=Snow(3OC)-teleJ-Polta-sleep6-D8=Temple-Caius(3OC)-CR-teleR-Tab3-teleR-sleep-D9=sleep5-Wyvern-SS-Mur3-MENU(CR+WL)-Panda(3OC)-teleJ-Mog-dayendnoenc-D10=R-RS-DF-Cactair(2OC)-teleR-Girl-sleep-D11=teleWilRes-Sazh-teleLN-sleep-D12 4 Hps = return and sleep - press buttons and panic - gg

tl;dr guide:

Anubys -> 1Thun 2Blizz 5Thun STAGGER 4Attack Niblet -> 4-5Thun Anubys -> 3Attack Guard STAGGER 5Attack Ignore Potion Shop Following Snow, run through maze to Zaltys. Zaltys -> 1Thun 2Blizz 5Thun STAGGER 2Attack GC OC 5Attack STAGGER Attack/OC until dead Ark-4 cubes-Discard 1 Potion-EscapeZaltys-Hope-Buy 3 Phoenix Downs + 2 Warrior Potions Tele down, fight 3 Guards, escaping each, sleep at hotel to 6. Talk 2 Hope about red things. Get Lib+JS+RM cube. Tele down. Day2 - Sleep 4. Yus. BlitzLv2 sphere. Velvet Bouncer. Wolfs Emblem. Augurs Quarter Gate. Knowledgable Tourist. Sneak In Band Man. MENU

EQ -> VB Sword -> Lib Acc -> WE Abilities -> Thunder, Light Guard, Blitz

DM -> EQ Sword -> CB Abs -> Blizz, Attack, Guard, BlitzLv2

Tele LuxNo. Get Fighter's Emblem. Attack ! Fantatic. OC Blitz x9. Phone. Get 3 shinies. Hotel. Sleep 6. D3- Return. Sleep 1. Check number. Guess code. Proceed through graveyard. Crest. Baird. LuxSo. DeadDunes. Sell shinies. Passion Rouge. Near God's Stat. Galestrike. Crux. Soul Seed. Grave Colossi Stat.

If you are going for early SAHAGIN... You can either have a longer battle now due to lower strats on Day 3 or a faster fight on Day 6 but risk losing runs much later due to bad RNG. Below is the Day 3 Strat:

MENU: MW -> PR (Default it) Abs -> Depro2, Deshell2, Guard, Blizz

EQ -> Acc -> FE VB -> Abs -> Gstrike

Deshell-Deprotect-VB-Blitzx3-5Blizz-Blitzx3 combos between VB and EQ (be sure the third Blitz is from VB). ~20s.

Got Imperil? Good. If you didn't go for it, grab the Defaith Lv2 sphere, at the bottom and left of the big downward sand slope. You'll be using this third debuff for the Gurangatch battle in place of Imperil.

RuffianBorder. Backwards and around. Crux. Atmos Shrine. Tab below. Tele(+Menu if didnt earlier, adding Defaith/Imperil over Blitz). LuxNo. Warren. Noel.

Blizz x4 Guard Thun x3 Depro x2 WP Blizz x5 STAGGER Blitz x4-5 OC Blitz to dead.

Shadow Hunter. TeleRuf. Adonis. RufStat. NearGod. Guran.

Depro+Deshell+Imperil/Defaith 5Thun 5 Blizz STAG Blitz OC Blitz x8

Run down and right. Crux. Dry Flood Stat. Tab 2. Day end no encounter. D4 - TeleDeadStation. Train to Wildlands, ChocoboEater.

Blitz. WP. Depro. Blitz x4. OC Blitz. Blitz to dead.

Canopus. 2 Greens. Sarala. Adventuring Essentials (spawns at 8am). 2 seeds. Run to Jagd forest, 3 Fertilizers, Cole, Jagd Village. Buy Vengeance. 4th Fertilizer behind Village. Tele Wil. Cano. Sara. Switch FPS Fixed. Plant 3. Buy 2 Enfrost + 1 Vigilance Potion. Sleep 18. Get 3 blooms. Plant 4 more. Feed bird 1 Chocobull + 1 Green + 1 Milk. Run to hotel. Sleep 4. Switch FPS to Dynamic. Get 4 blooms. Feed bird 6 Greens. Firewyrm. Beloveds Gift. Tele Wil. Down onto bird, left to Wil Research Camp. Blizzara behind Camp. Sazh. Sphere. Day end no enc. D5 - Yus. Chocolina. Hand in BG for Fragment. Maze to Cyclops. MENU:

VB -> Firewyrm EQ -> Vengeance PR -> Blizzara

Depro. BeatDown x2. OC. BeatDown x6. STAG. BeatDown x2. Blitz.

Maze to Augur's. Sarzak. Fireworks Boss. Tele Yus. MENU:

Lib -> ShaHun

2x Fireworks Worker. Funicula. Skatane (5x Fireworks).

Imperil+Depro Blitz x5.

Backwards to Hotel. Sleep to 6. D6 - Return. Sleep 20. 3x Fireworks Worker. Augur's. Boss. Sarzak. Run to Slaughterhouse, Forge.

Sell Lib+1/2 swords, and all shinies. Buy Kikui + Dragon Gauntlet. MENU

VB -> Kikui + DraGau VG -> ShaHun PR -> Guard = Magnet (if dropped)


Gremlins -> Magnet - Blitz to dead Anubys -> Depro + Imp 3xBlizzara Beat Down x2 or Blitz to death. Guard to STAG if needed. Zaltys (for both)-> Beatdown x2. STAG. Depro. Enforst. Imp. OC Blitz to death.

Menu. Equip MM over VG. Sarzak. Thorn of Courage. Maze. Menu. Equip ToC and Femme Fatale on PR. 2 Anubii.

Imp+Depro on both. Blitz. OC Blitz to kill.

End day at Serah Pendant or encounter, before Snow door. D7 - Return. Snow.

Deshell+Depro+Imp Guard Imp x3 Guard OC Firax3 STAGGER Blitz OC Blitz to win.

TeleRuf. 3rd Tab at GotC. Tele Jagd. Polta. Sleep 4. Buy 2 Enfrost + 2 Enaero + HiPotion + PD. Temple. Day ends somewhere. D8 - Get Aeroga if no Magnet. Caius.

OC Imp x2 Depro x2 Blitz to win.

Pick up Chaos Revenge. Tele Ruf. Ado. Fang now in party. RufStat. NearGods. Run east to God's Hand. Maze. SancStat. More Maze. Guran.

Imp+Depro+Deshell 3 Thun 5 Blizz STAGGER Blitz x3 to kill. OC is free here so use it anywhere.

Finish Maze to 2nd Mural. Tele Ruf. Sleep 6.

D9 - Return. Sleep 5. Buy Wyvern Lance. Ruf Stat. SancStat. Mural 3. Parandus. MENU

VB - Kikui -> CR PR - Sword -> WL

Enaero. Wait for ProtectiveCircle to end. 9 -ra spells, between Fira and Blizzara. STAGGER. Imp+Depro+Blitz to win. Got 3 OCs so use them freely. Can stagger again with 3 more Firas.

Run backwards. Tele Jagd. Mog Vil. Dryads.

Die from 2-4 Blitz, just OC on the triple battle.

Mog Circle. Talk to Mog. Fragment. Day end no enc.

D10- Ruf. RufStat. DryStat. Equip Aeroga over Blizzara if you don't have Magnet. Throw on Aeroras if they dropped from the Drayds. Cactair

2OC available. Magnet to death, or Aeroga to death (can throw in debuffs/Galestrikes to kill time for ATB to recharge).

TeleRuf. Mal. Hand in everything. Sleep 6. D11-WilRes. Sazh. TeleLuxNo. Sleep6, Buy 4 Hero Potions from Hope. D12-Return. Sleep6. Get Super Garbs and Decoy. MENU.

Dark Muse+ Chaos Revenge Dragon Gauntlet Wolf's Emblem Firewyrm Bracelet Thunder/Aerora/buffedAtkabs Light Guard Heavy Slash 4 Galestrike/buffedAtkabs

Equilibrium+ Kikuichimonji DoubleCross/Lotus Fighter's Emblem Thorn of Courage Thunder/Blizzard/Aerora Guard Attack 4 Imperil

Passion Rouge Wyvern Lance DoubleCross/Lotus ??? Collector Catalog Depro 2 Guard Blizzara Deshell 2

Super Guards.

OC. 3 Blizzara. Heavy Slash. STAG. 2nd target. Imp x2 Depro x2. HS X3. HS/Attack the first one.


Imp Depro 3 Blizzara Enfrost 2 HS STAG OC HS until dead.


P1 - Vig Potion. Imp x2 Depro x2. Blizzara x2 - Attack x4 - Heavy Slash. Alternate those 3 until STAG. OC HS. Keep up Attack + HS over Blizzaras if ATB allows it. P2 - Attack. Decoy. Hero's Potion. Enaero Potion. Imp x4. Depro x2. Blizzara x2, and no more. Attack 4 - Heavy Slash about 4 times. OC. Continue the combo. STAGGER in OC for a good chance at WoD Skip. Recast Depro if you must. P3 - Imp x2 Depro x2. Blizzara x3. Attack x4 - Heavy Slash. Once STAGGER, HS spam then OC for more. Can walk around Bhuni to get better angle for increased blinside damage. P4 - Alternate -ra spells and the one on DM+. Staggers in 12-18 ra spells. Imp+Depro+Atk+HS until dead.


====================================================================== Guide:

1st Anubys -> ST

(Equilibrium)Thunder, (Dark Muse) Blizzard x2, (EQ)Thunder x5 - STAGGER - (DM) Attack x4 should kill, if every move had Perfect Timing. If not, reset for better stats on Lightning (first Thunder over 140 damage is good).

Select "No" for the Camera option. Want to fight Niblet #1, then Anubys, then Niblet #2. Anubys first is technically fine too, though a tad slower.

Niblet #1 and #2 -> 4 Perfect Timed Thunders. 5 Thunders if your damage rolls were poor.

2nd Anubys -> (EQ) Attack x3, Perfect Guard - STAGGER - (DM) Attack x5, Guard Cancel with EQ, Attack x1 via DM.

SC. Run forward, hopping over the stair rail, SC. ST. Follow Snow. If you get into any encounters, just reset the run, as you can't Escape yet. SC when activating Door Switch.

Zaltys -> SC. ST.

(EQ)Thunder, (DM) Blizzard x2, (EQ)Thunder x5 - STAGGER - (DM) Attack x2, Guard Cancel, OVERCLOCK, Attack x5 via DM, STAGGER, Attack until out of OC ATB. Overclock again. keep up Attack with DM until dead. Perfect Timing is faster. Time expectation is 18-20 sec.

Head straight, left and up the ladder, then head to door. SC.

When you regain control in the Ark, move backwards and pick up the 4 Treasure Cubes in a counter-clockwise fashion. ST. Discard 1 Potion in Recovery Items menu. Head to the bookcase. Talk, SC. Yes, Rebattle Zaltys.

Zaltys -> ST. Menu. Escape.

Run to Hope. Talk, SC. Talk, SC. Talk, SC. Buy 3 Phoenix Downs and 2 Warrior's Potions. Head to the Teleporter. Use. SC. Off you go to Luxerion.

SC. Accept Quest. Run forward and attack the Guard on the right. 3-4 hits should trigger the battle. Escape. Either go for the one on the left, or if your angle was correct, the Guard respawns closer to the hotel in the stands right of you, and so run there. 3 Guard battles you escape from pushes the clock to 00:00, opening up the Hotel. Run to the Innkeeper. If he's scared (cannot talk to scared NPCs), go to the Adventuring Essential to the right of the Hotel Guy. Talk to Hotel Guy. Sleep to 6. SC.

SC. Run forward to Talk to Hope, SC. Ask Hope about Sidequests. SC. Talk, Ask Hope about Mainquests, SC. CT. [[Note, there is a common glitch where if you skip the cutscenes too fast, you are forced to sit through a 10 sec loadscreen.]] Run backwards and pick up the Treasure Cube. Run to Teleporter. Use. Return to previous point.

Talk to Hotel Guy. Sleep to 4. Run to Luxerion North Station. At the station, talk to the Conductor, SC, and go to Yusnaan.

SC, SC. Run one step forward and jump, SC, continue running forward. Look out for shinies on your path, picking them up. Continue down the steps, jumping over the fence, and talk to Outfitter.

Buy -> Velvet Bouncer. Sell -> Juno Sop Shield + 3 PDs + 1 P Have ~5140 gil.

Continue left, grabbing the Wolf's Emblem on the ledge, way front of the Hotel Dude.

Continue around the bend, down the stairs. When close to Flanitor, SC. Run left to Augur's Quarter. After the small stairs, jump left and touch the grass, then run upwards. The earlier you are sighted the better. At the top swing left to the corner then circle back to the gate, which will cancel the Enemy Sighting, and now you can Talk to the Knowledgeable Tourist. SC. Go back down, jumping over the ledges and run to the Band Man. Talk, SC. Buy Sneak-In-Ticket. SC.


Equilibrium -> Velvet Bouncer. Crimsom Blitz -> Liberator -Shield- Wolf's Emblem -Ring- Thunder Guard -> Light Guard Blitz Lv2 -Blank-

Dark Muse -> Equilibrium Scaramax -> Crimsom Blitz -Shield- -Acc- -Ring- Guard Blizzard ??? -Blank-

Teleport to Lux North.

Run down the stairs, then left toward the Fanatic. Go up the ladder first to get the Fighter's Emblem, should give you a better Fanatic to target. 3 strikes on the one with the ! mark should trigger a battle with 3 of them.

Fanatics -> Overclock. Blitz x2, Guard Cancel, Blitz x2, GC, Blitz x2, GC, Blitz x2. Blitz.

Run right for awhile and make your way to the phone booth. Talk, SC, CT. Run back to Hotel Guy and Sleep 1 hour to 6. SC.

At Ark, just warp back to previous point. Talk to Hotel Guy, and Sleep to 1. Run left to the first number, up the stairs and a left, just passed the alleyway. This number is always 4, 5 or 6. Head back towards the phone booth, getting all 3 shinies, and guess the code. It should take a maximum of 9 tries. SC each time you fail.

First number is either 1, 2 or 3. Second number is the one you checked. Third number is always 0. Fourth number is either 7, 8 or 9.

Continue through the gate, through the weaving graveyard, picking up any shinies on your path, into the cutscene with the Heretics. SC. Move right and get the Crest. Contine running to the end of the graveyard, towards Luxerion South.

Speak to Baird. Buy the Soul Seed Ticket. Continue to LuxSo. Talk to Train Conductor. Off to Dead Dunes.

CT. Run forward and Talk to Sitting Attendant, SC. You are put forward a bit. Run to Outfitters, Talk, SC.

Sell 1 Silver Medal and 2 Bronze medals. Sell more medals if you got them. Buy Passion Rouge (should have <200 Gil).

Continue running forward to Ruins North Cactuar statue. Activate it, and keep going north to the Near God's Cac Stat, activating it too. Circle back, getting the Gaelstrike sphere. Around the bend, down the slope, arc left and pickup the Defaith sphere, continue heading towards the chaos, a Pilgrim Crux, and Grave Colossi Cactuar statue. Continue running left to Ruffian, once you trigger the teleport unlock, do a 180 and go back, running around the bend to get another Crux, and continue sliding down to the Atmos Shrine. Don't activate the CacStat, but go down and get the Tab at the end.

Menu in Galestrike (on VB), Defaith (on EQ), and Passion Rouge (over MW, along with a Blizzard). Teleport to Lux North. Run forward, jump over the fence, and then left towards the Warren. Weave a bit, RollOutJumping where needed, eventually you make a left to Talk to Fanatic. Yes. SC. Run forward. SC. Run along the path, being careful not to fall down. Avoid Fanatics as best you can. Jump down at the end to fight...SC.

Noel -> Blizzard x4 (2 PR and 2 EQ, GUARD both hits, Thunder x3, Deprotect x2, Warrior's Potion, Blizzard x5 (between DM and PR) - STAGGER- Galestrike x3, Blitz x2 OVERCLOCK Blitz, when overclock ends, Blitz x5. If not dead, Attack via DM, which Launches. Keep up physical attacks if his HP hasn't depleted. Might have to Guard additional times. Time ~26 sec.

SC. Pick up Shadow Hunter. Teleport to Ruffian. Run forward to Adonis. SC, Talk, SC. Run back and to Ruffian Cactuar statue, activate it, and warp to Near God's. Run forward and right for the miniboss, SC.

Gurangatch -> Deshell, Deprotect, Imperil, Thunder x5, Blizzard x5, -STAGGER-, Overclock, Blitz Galestrike Blitz x6 to kill.

SC. CT. The camera is facing away from Ruffian, so move "away" and continue down and right, towards Dry Floodlands. Get the Pilgrim Cruz at the cliff edge, going down and right to the Dry Floodlands Cactuar Statue, activating it, then moving down the shrine to get the second Tab. No Encounter for Day End (~3 minutes).

Entering Day 4 now, from Ark, warp to Dead Dunes Station. Take the Train to Wildlands (now 7am). Run and jump over the gate, SC, continue down the stairs. Run straight, all the way, through the winding path, towards...

Chocobo Eater -> Blitz, Warrior's Potion, Deprotect x2, Blitz until out of ATB, Guarding when necessary, Overclock, Blitz, continue Blitzing and he should die once the non-Overclocked ATB runs out. Attack otherwise.

Hope you got Magnet.

SC. Run back to Canopus Farms. Imp's Crest is optional. Jump over the fence and move right for an auto-cutscene. SC. Talk to Dr. Gysahl. SC. Talk to Bird. Feed Green. CT. Run to Sarala. Talk, SC. Run back to Bird. Feed Green. SC. Run back to Sarala. Talk, SC. AQ. SC.

Run leftward, and the Adventuring Essentials guy should spawn at 8am. Skip his Tutorial. and buy 2 Seeds. Run ightard, and speak to the Chocobo Dude to get Chocobull. Off to Jagd Village you run, picking up 2 Fertilizers in the forest, before talking to Cole on the way (watch WR vid to determine where the fertilizers are). Continue to the village and get your 3rd Fertilizer. Fall down behind Jagd Village for 4th fertilizer. Teleport to Wildlands Station.

Run to Canopus, talk to Sarala, Yes, SC, QC. Talk to Sarala, SC, you get 5 Vegetable Seeds. CT. Talk to Sarala 3 more times to hand in your 3 Fertilizers, SCing where appropriate. Pan the camera down.

[[Note, at this point if you would like your run to continue by avoiding the Gysahl Green Glitch, switch the Dynamic Framerate (60FPS) to Fixed Framerate (30FPS). Switch back before you Sleep. Switch again before planting your second set of Vegetable Seeds. ]]

Plant Seed, clearing the messages, and continue by running to the other plots, planting 3 Vegetable Seeds total. Run to Merchant, Talk SC, get 2 Enfrost Potions and 1 Vigilance Potion, then run to Innkeeper, Talk, SC, you get Sheep Milk, Sleep until 18:00. Run back, pick up 3 Greens, and plant 4 more seeds in the fertilizer patches. Run to Bird. Feed until it can stand. SC. CT. Jump on Bird. Go to Innkeeper. Sleep until 4:00. Still on your Bird, pick up the last 4 Greens. Jump off and feed Bird to Hover Power. Jump on.

Head up to the Firewyrm Braclet and pick that up. Go left and make your way to Aryas. Trot towards the left of the sheep fence so you don't activate the Aryas Warp point. Continue straight and up the ladder to Beloved's Gift, pick that up, then teleport to Wildlands Station. MENU:

Velvet Bouncer. Liberator -> Shadow Hunter -Shield- Wolf's Emblem -Acc- -> Firewyrm Bracelet Thunder Light Guard Blitz Lv2 Galestrike

Equilibrium -> Vengeance Crimsom Blitz -Shield- Fighters' Emblem -Ring- Guard Blizzard BeatDown Imperil

Run down the stairs to the bird, getting your ATB to 0 as Bird doesn't use any. Hop on, and head left towards Sazh. Be sure to activate the Wildlands Research Camp teleport point, and pick up Blizzara from behind the camp. Continue to Sazh Airship. Talk to Sazh, SC. Run to the Blue Chick. Run out and arc left to the Treasure Sphere for the 1st Fragment. SC. Just wait around for a few in-game minutes for the day to end on its own (~5:57).

Switching now to Day 5, warp down to Yusnaan.

Jump over the rail and go left to talk to Chocolina. SC. Clear box. Go to Key to Her Heart quest. QC. CT. SC. CT. SC. You get 2nd Fragment. Run backwards and up the stairs. Jump over to the overhang, then down-left. Continue forward and left, down the stairs, along the trai and up the hill to the Gate Man to take the secret passage. Talk, SC. Yes. SC. Clear box. Talk again, SC. Yes, Continue through the opened passageway. Take the maze (consult WR video) until:

Cyclops -> Depro. BeatDown x2. OC. BeatDown x6. STAG. BeatDown x2. Blitz.

Last chance for a Magnet drop here.

Continue through the new maze. SC. SC. Continue through the second maze, picking up the ID Card from the skeleton bones. Use ID Card to open the gate at the end. Continue running, go up the ladder. Run straight. Auto-cutscene, SC. Run rightward to Augur's Quarter and unlock the Gate with your ID Card.

Run and arc right, going up the stairs to the Director Sarzak. Talk, SC. Jump down and run to Fireworks Boss. SC. Teleport to Yusnaan.

Run straight and arc right, talk to Fireworks Dude, SC, SC, you get 2 Fireworks. Continue straight through the shops, then make a right and talk to Funicula, SC, AQ, SC, Clear Box. Keep running down this path and fight the Skatane.

Skatane -> Imperil, Deprotect, Blitz x5.

Gain 5 Fireworks. Run backwards to Funicula, not talking to him, continuing through all the way to Giant Cac Statue. Talk to Fireworks Dude left of the Flanitor+Guard for 3 Fireworks. Now you have all 10. Run all to the Augur's Quarter. After opening the gate via ID Card, run to the Fireworks Boss, Talk, Yes, SC. Run backwards to Director, Talk, SC. CT. Go down the steps, open the gate, and straight down the steps, all the way back to the Slaughterhouse.

Be sure to talk to Forge first. Sell Liberator and Devil's Daughter/Sacramax, any medals too, Buy sword Kikuichimonji and 1 Dragon Gauntlet. Continue running to Slaughterhouse. Menu:

Velvet Bouncer. Shadow Hunter -> Kikuichiumonji -Shield- -> Dragon Gauntlet Wolf's Emblem Firewyrm Bracelet Thunder Light Guard Blitz Lv2 Galestrike

Vengeance Crimsom -> Shadow Hunter Fighter's Emblem Dragon Gauntlet -Ring- Imperil Guard Blizzard BeatDown

Passion Rouge Devil's Daughter/Sacramax -Shield- -Acc- -Ring- Guard/Magnet Blizzara Deprotect Lv2 Deshell Lv2

Talk to Attendant (since you'll be talking to her multiple times, the usual pattern is: Talk, SC, Yes, SC, SC; after the fight, SC, SC).

Gremlins -> Magnet x2, Blitz x 3. If no Magnet, just Blitz until they're all gone. Attacking the Gremlins that are casting spells is a one-shot with Blitz/BeatDown.

AnubysAnubys -> Imperil, Deprotect, 3 Blizzara. BeatDown/Blitz until dead.

Zaltys Brim (for both) -> Imperil, Deprotect, Enforst Potion. BeatDown x2. STAGGER. OC Blitz until dead.

After obtaining Midnight Mauve, talk to the Attendant again for another Zaltys Brimstone fight and the Dajh Fragment. Same strategy. Run all the way back to Sarzak. Before you speak with him, Menu:

Vengeance -> Midnight Mauve (new Default) Shadow Hunter -Shield- Wolf's Emblem -Ring- Fira Lv3 Guard Blizzard/Thunder Imperil

Talk to Director, SC. Yes. Clear box. SC. SC. SC. After the scenes, detour right for the Thorn of Courage. Run all the way back to the palace entrance. Can now equip ToC on MM and Femme Fatale on PR.

Run forward and through the maze. Consult the WR vid for the route, though there's essentially only one way to go. You will get a mini-cutscene every time you see a switch in a new room, so SC. When you get to the Guard, SC, exit shop menu, SC. Snow’s door is also a SC. Continue running left, eventually you will get to a fight:

2 Anubys (Chaos or not)-> Imperil (1), Deprotect(1), Imperil (2), Deprotect(2), Blitz, Overclock Blitz. Blitz if they're not dead yet.

Keep running through the maze, getting Serah's Pendant, and you will eventually fall down a shaft to circle back to a previous part of the maze. It is required to escape from one encounter in the maze, to push the time forward to end the day before the boss battle.

At Ark, Return to previous point. Talk to the door. SC.

Snow -> Imperil, Deprotect, Deshell, Guard (he should punch you), Cast Imperil until he superpunches you, Guard that, Overclock Fira x3 should -STAGGER- Blitz until out of ATB, Overclock, Blitz to death. Should get back to 6EP. 2OCs allowed. SC.

Teleport to Ruf. RufCacStat to GraceCacStat. Go down the shrine to get the 3rd Tab. Teleport to Jagd.

Get on Bird. Trot to Poltae. When entering the town, you can head right, up the ladder to get Aerora for safety. Sleep at the hotel to 4:00. Moving on, Buy 2 Enaero and 2 Enfrost Potions from Item Shop, along with a HiPotion and Phoenix Down for safety. Go straight and take the left path upwards. Jump onto the ledge, SC, continue trotting and hovering to the end, SC, clear Message Boxes, SC, Lightning should automatically dismount, continue up the ladder and to Caius temple.

SC, SC. Clear Message Box. Make your way through the maze. Check WR video for details. Pick up Aeroga if you don't have Magnet. Approaching Caius, SC.

Caius -> Overclock. Imperil x2, Deprotect x2. Blitz until Overclock ends. Blitz. Overclock Blitz until dead. Should have 7 EP. 3OCs allowed.

SC, SC. Pick up Chaos Revenge. Menu:

Midnight Mauve Shadow Hunter-> Chaos Revenge Dragon Gauntlet Wolf's Emblem -Ring- Imperil Guard Blizzard/Thunder FireLv3

Passion Rouge -Sword- -> Shadow Hunter -Shield- -Acc-/Imp's Crest -Ring- Guard/Magnet -> Aeroga (if no Magnet) Blizzara Deprotect Lv2 Deshell Lv2

Teleport to Ruf. Run to Adonis, Talk, SC, QC, SC. CT. With Fang in party, run to Ruffian Cactuar and warp to Near God's, run backwards and towards the "giant hand in the sand". At the maze gate, once opened after talking to the Gate Guy, SC, head through.

Consult the WR for the route, as it's too complex to describe adequately here. Some thing to note though, you get to a key door at an odd time, saving ~10sec. You activate 1 Red Box here. Once you reach the Sanc Cactuar statue, touch the big door, SC, run back through the tunnel and continue through the maze, making a right. 1st SuperCrux piece is gotten after first Mural. Remember to get the Collector's Catalogue, before your fourth Crux. The final important door has to be reached at an odd hour, get into an encounter and escape if you must fiddle with the clock. Consult the WR video for the specific route. You will be continuing all the way until you reach the 2nd Mural Shrine, get the 2nd SuperCrux Piece. when you Teleport back to Ruffian. Go to the hotel and sleep to next day.

Coming back down to Day 9, Return to Previous Location. Sleep to 5. Buy the Wyvern Lance at the Forge nearby. CacWarp to SancStat. Run to the 3rd Mural Shrine. Yes. SC, SC, SC. Get 3rd Super Crux piece, SC, SC. Run back to the giant door, Talk, SC. Run forward, up the stairs, to the back, Talk, SC.

Parandus -> Enaero Potion, wait until his Protective Circle animation ends, Fira x1, Blizzara x1, Fira x2, Blizzara x2, Fira x3, -STAGGER-, Imperil, Deprotect, Fira x3, STAGGER, Overclock Blitz until dead. Should have 5EP. 3OCs allowed.

SC. Run backwards, SC. Fang leaves the party. Teleport to Jagd Village. Get on Bird. Gallop to Moogle Village. Consult the WR vid for the proper way. To start the Moogle Quest, jump off the root on the right side and glide to the center area with the tree stumps. Talk to the centre Moogle. SC.

Run off the ledge, then down to fight the Dryads. The single one is your first target, and it should be flying left.

1 Dryad -> Imperil, Deprotect, Blitz x3.

3 Dryads -> Overclock. Blitz x2, Guard Cancel, Blitz x3.

2 Dryads -> Imperil(1), Deprotect(1), Imperil(2), Deprotect(2), (use Magnet if you have), Blitz x3. Blitz x3 the other one if it is not closeby. You can add in Fira if they don't die. This fight must be done fast or they'll summon more.

Dryads drop Aerora, useful for the final boss.

Get back to the moogle centre. Auto-cutscene. SC. Talk to Mog appearing in front of you. SC. Continue straight until you see a mushroom, jump off there and wait for Mog to come to you. Talk to Mog. SC. QC. Day ends in a few minutes.

At Ark, entering Day 10, go to Ruffian. Run forward to take the RufStat - DryStat. Go straight up the dune, towards the glowing tomb. Activate via Crux to calm the sandstorm, and hit the miniboss for -10% HP:

Cactair (if Magnet) -> Magnet until out of ATB, Overclock Magnet. 2 OCs allowed.

Cactair (if Aeroga) -> Aeroga, Light Guard Cancel, repeat until 0 ATB. Overclock, Aeroga, Light Guard Cancel, repeat until 0 ATB. Aeroga, Light Guard Cancel, repeat until 0 ATB. Throw in some Thunders/Galestrikes if it's not dead. Guard its needles and attacks with MM. 2 OCs allowed.

CT. SC. Teleport back to Ruf. Head left to the Magician Girl. Talk, SC. Talk, SC, give Soul Seed, SC, clear box, give Moogle Fragment, SC. SC. Dajh Fragment obtained. Sleep at the Hotel until 6.

Coming into Day 11, go to Wild Research Camp. Hop on the bird and trot to Sazh. Complete that quest. Teleport back to Lux North. Run down the steps and sleep. Sadly, this extra 4 EP we can't use.

Run to Hope, Talk, SC. Buy 4 Hero’s Potions. Exit Menu. Run back to Warp Device, and return to previous location to Hotel Man, sleep until 6:00. SC.

After the loadtimes in the Ark, SC, SC, SC. Run behind the bookcase to pick up the 3 New Garbs. Run clockwise 2 Cubes down and pick up Decoy. Run back to the Warp Device, Menu:

Velvet Bouncer -> Dark Muse+ Chaos Revenge Dragon Gauntlet Fighter’s Emblem Firewyrm Bracelet Heavy Slash/Galestrike (anything that gives you an Attack Boost) Light Guard Heavy Slash Lv4 Heavy Slash/Galestrike/Thunder

Midnight Mauve -> Equilibirum+ Kikuichimonji Double Cross/Lotus Wolf's Emblem Thunder/Blizzard/Aerora Guard Attack Lv4 Imperil

Passion Rouge Shadow Hunter -> Wyvern Lance DoubleCross/Lotus -Acc- -Ring- -> Collector’s Catalogue Deprotect Lv2 Magnet/Aeroga -> Guard Blizzara Deshell Lv2

Use the Warp Device, SC.

SC. Run forward, one full ATB sprint should get you to the Auto-Cutscene by the door. SC.

Super Guards x2-> Overclock, Blizzara x3, Heavy Slash Lv4, Galestrike, STAGGER, change target, Imperil x2, Deprotect x2, Heavy Slash Lv 4 mixed with Attack Lv 4. Once dead, finish off the first Super Guard with Attack + HS. 1 OC allowed.

Run forward to the end of the pathway. SC. Run through the maze until you reach the Chimera. Attack it:

Chimera -> Enfrost Potion, Imperil, Deprotect, Blizzara x3 Heavy Slash until -STAGGER- OC immediately, and HS the face. Continue to Heavy Slash after overclock until dead. 1 OC allowed.

Run to the door. Engage, SC, SC.

2 Sets -> Imperil, Deprotect, Heavy Slash x3. Imperil, Deprotect, Heavy Slash x3. Use Attack if out of ATB. Must have 8 EP after this fight.

SC. Run backwards and down the steps. SC. Run right, around the centre circle, to the door beside the Moogle. Talk to the door, SC, Yes, SC. Run forward until the Auto-Cutscene. SC. Run forward to the giant shadow until Auto-Cutscene. SC. If you got some buffed attack abilities from Guards/Sets, equip them now.

Bhunivelze time (there is no single consistent strat but):

1st form -> Menu, use Vigilance Potion. This will combine the Doom and Potion cast animation. Deprotect x2, Imperil x2, Heavy Slash Lv4. Guard Cancel. General plan is to cast 2 Blizzaras only, Attack Lv 4 with Equilibrium+ to maintain the Stagger Gauge and allows the other garb ATB to refill faster (garb ability), and Stagger with the Dark Muse Chaos Sword (Quick Stagger ability). Once -STAGGER-, Heavy Slash until ATB empty, Overclock, keep Heavy Slashing until Overclock runs out, Heavy Slash more until ATB runs out. Anything left you can Attack Lv4. Should not use more than 1 Overclock or STAGGER more than once.

2nd Form -> Attack, cast Decoy. It should fall through the floor and behind the boss. Deprotect x2, Imperil x2, Hero's Potion, Try to STAGGER (occurs faster than last form) with the same method, only allowing 2 Blizzaras, Attack Lv4, and Heavy Slash. Try to STAGGER in OC via HS, to maximize the odds for Wings of Destruction skip. Once staggered, continue to attack with Attack into Heavy Slash. If Wings of Destruction, alternate Guard and Deshell to get far away and mitigate the damage, though the camera doesn't point to you during the casting animation, but Guard or Potion Block before it is used (with Passion Rouge), otherwise its an instant death. Use a HiPotion if you survive. If you die anyways, Phoenix Down, Hero's Potion, and wait to see what his Enelement Cast will be. Use the Enaero or Enfrost if its Thunder Spirit or Fire Spirit respectively. If Enblizz, then you cannot Blizzara him; if Enwind, you cannot Aerora him. Stagger again through the previous means, and wittle down his HP into the next phase. You can only Overclock once in this phase. If you take too long, there's a good chance that he will cast Hymn, and you are forced to Escape and restart.

3rd Form -> Deprotect x2, Imperil x2, Hero's Potion. Stagger through the previous method, though more Blizzaras are allowed, being sure to use Heavy Slash a second time after the stagger for bonus damage. Overclock Heavy Slash during this time for more damage. With proper movement from the previous phase, you are effectively attacking his side, dodging his attacks while he attempts to attack the Decoy. Use potions if his attacks are hitting you.

4th Form -> Hero's Potion, Alternate Blizzara and Aerora/Thunder until out of ATB, and try to use as many triple -ra combos as possible, as the third spellcast increases the stagger gauge better. If you can't Overclock (you have 1 EP at this point since you Overclock on the previous 3 forms, pluus a Decoy), mix some Galestrikes when the other 2 ATB garb bars are reloading. The longer you take the likelier he'll use a dangerous attack, like Elementaga or Cataclysm. Passive Bhuni or Heartless Angel is best. It takes anywhere from 12 to 18 -ra spells and a Heavy SlashLv4 to -STAGGER-. Once Staggered, Imperil, Deprotect, make sure you have the Hero’s Potion buff still going (EnElement should still be going from Phase 2). Heavy Slash Lv4 until out of ATB. Attack Lv4 x4, Heavy Slash Lv4 is your combo. Do it 4 times and you win.

CT. Final Split is when the stars fade.


What do you need to get a good time in this mode?

Galestrike +80 Attack (makes many bosses faster)

Lucky code (less than 4th try). Difference between 1st try and 9th try is 45 seconds.

Chaosless Sahagin fight with Imperil, first try. (saves a lot of time)

Magnet off of Chocobo Eater or Cyclops (saves 35 sec)

Minimal encounters (6 or less; each encounter is +10 sec).

Proper setup: 60fps, set the Game Priority to Realtime (assuming you have System Explorer, minimize outside CPU usage). Don't let many other programs run in the background. I’m using a PS4 controller for this PC game, but an XBOX one works just as well. Minimal CPU usage (ie. no heavy recordings) will also load the game faster.

Why Chaosless?

While the odds of a Spell drop are reduced from 30% to ~15%, the fight is faster. And you have more attempts at fighting a Sahagin in this route.

Why Blizzara?

Aerora, Thundara and Fira are farther away. You get these for the Stagger Boost, not their damage, and they all Stagger at the same level (though a technicality in the game's mecahnics makes Aerora best of the -ra spells, and Thunder best of the base spells).

Why Magnet?

Because Cactair is a HUGE pain without. Also makes the Dryad and Gremlin fights more consistent.

Why Firewyrm?

The other's are farther, and therefore slower. Sure, they each have their unique advantages, but the route has long been based off of Enfire.

Why Decoy?

Bhunivelze runs you over if you don't use it. If you are good with Guarding you might survive, but Decoy's resilience is too good in Dynamic gameplay.

Are there other things to pick up that could help in the run?


Imp’s Crest (between the Chocobo Eater and Canopus Farms). – 15% Magic Boost. I don’t get it since Attack is the primary factor in this game.

Healer’s Lore (in Moogle Village). Increases potency of healing items. If you fight well, you’ll never need this.

Can also opt for picking up Fighter's Emblem/Wolf's Emblem in a different order. Up to you. With enough Gil you could buy a 2nd Dragon Gauntlet, making EQ+ stronger for the final boss. Sickle of the Faithful, Demon Mace or Executioner Axe drop has mild uses too, though Death Hearld does not.

Can this route or Easy% be improved?

There is always room for improvement. I once though sub 2 was impossible for both modes. I got it for Easy, and a current runner has a Sum Of Best that reaches that milestone.

Why does the route change so much?

Because LR is awesome.

Where you gain some time in one place, you would lose it in another. You can change the route in extreme ways and get similar end times with this game. Incredibly fun, I do full attempts when performing these route changes, and have no one set guide to go about it all.

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