New Tool - Draft List Reference Sheets
5 years ago
United States

Hi all! I just added a new Tool I created to the Resources Page -

Draft List Reference Sheets -

It is a simple webpage I coded that generates a run's full draft list based on the NIGHTVISION draft. It uses the lists compiled by LoremasterMotoss which I then organized, color-coded, and converted to QWERTY for those of us who like to run using the QWERTY Draft casting method like myself. Please enjoy and I hope it helps!

Texas, USA

I still think it is neat that E is the same button either way 😂


I added a note to the resource page, that it's only for the VGA version.

EGA actually has randomized drafts (from a set list).

LMMotoss aiment ceci
Texas, USA

That’s crazy to me that EGA can still be the faster version even though you actually have to pay attention to the drafts and also not skip certain draft learning cutscenes 😵

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