Publié 1 month ago par

We have added a few new categories and sub-categories due to the new implementations that League has done!

  • Akathan is now a sub-category in Jungling, including his different forms (Ruinous/Voracious).
  • Grisly Memento and Feat of Strength are now sub-categories in Stacks.
  • Tracking Runes (Zombie Ward, Ghost Poro and Eyeball Collection) category was removed.

The Split Challenge for 2025, S1 is going to be added soon.

Remember to join the Discord Server, and thank you for reading!

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Publié 3 months ago par

On patch 14.22 Riot changed how Yun Tal works and also added a new champion, which leads us to:

  • Ambessa Jungle Clear has been added.
  • Yun Tal Wildarrows Stacks has been added.

Enjoy the new categories!

Remember to join the Discord Server. Thank you for reading

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Publié 4 months ago par

With the arrival of the 3rd split of Season 2024, we got two new categories to announce!

  • "Split Challenge"
  • "First Blood"

Split Challenge:

At the start of every Split, there will be a new sub-category made in this category where we would combine multiple runs into a big one; each Split, new runs are going to be used. You must complete all of the goals in a single run for it to be approved. Once the Split is over, you won't be able to submit any other runs here; the sub-category will be closed, and a new one will be made available.

Basic rules:

  1. Unless specified, all runs must be played solo.Any configuration of bots can be picked.Timer starts on game loadout and ends upon completion of the final goal. All goals must be completed for run to be approved.Goals can be completed in any order.Read the sub-category rules to see which goals you have to complete.

Season 14, Split 3 sub-category rules:

  • Kill every camp and scuttle crab at least once.
  • You must pick 3 sub-categories from the Stacks category (1 Champion stack + 1 Rune stack + 1 Item stack) and two sub-categories from Stats to complete in your run.
  • Get 50 kills.
  • Get 100cs.
  • Die 5 times.
  • Destroy all towers.
  • Win the game.

"First Blood”, a new Category!

First Blood:

In this run, the player needs to obtain first blood as fast as possible.

Basic rules:

  • You have to be alone in your team.
  • The enemy team must be made with any amount, difficulty and champion that you want.
  • You can pick any champion that you want.
  • Kill the first enemy champion of the game to complete the run.

We are open for any feedback you may have for these new categories! If you have any suggestions join our Discord server and share your thoughts.

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Publié 6 months ago par

The time of Swarm has come to an end, and with it, our Speedrun category.

Many thanks to everyone who spent their time playing the category, it was really fun while it lasted! If you have any runs you still want to submit, don’t worry, the categories will only be made miscellaneous.

We have hope that Riot does more awesome game modes like this in the future!

Remember to join the Discord Server.

Thank you for reading.

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Publié 6 months ago par


Once again, Swarm is our main subject of todays news post.

After all the playtime you guys are putting into the new categories, we decided on adding some more to make thing a bit more interesting:

  • Any%: Win on each map back to back (from Warehouse District to The Beachhead). The time it takes to pick an augment/weapon/passive is added to the run.
  • 100%: Win on each map and each difficulty back to back (from Warehouse District (Story) to The Beachhead (Extreme)).
  • 2k Gold: Earn 2.000 gold in a single run.
  • Level 30: Get to level 30.
  • 5 Mini-bosses: Kill 5 Mini-bosses.
  • 3 Elite bosses: Kill 3 Elite bosses.
  • 3k CS: Kill 3.000 enemies.
  • 5 Cards: Pick up 5 cards.

All of these runs are going to be added in a new category called "Swarm (Miscellaneous)" and you can only play them in solo mode.

We are also open to new ideas and suggestions, so if you want a sub-category to be added, please let us know!

Remember to join the Discord server.

Thank you for reading!

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Publié 7 months ago par


Now that Swarm is on live servers, we decided to make a new category that will last until the game mode gets removed.

The sub-categories that are going to be added are:

  • Warehouse District (Rek'Sai) - Story

  • The Outskirts (Briar) - Story

  • Subterranean Lab (Bal'Veth) - Story

  • The Beachhead (Aatrox) - Story

  • Warehouse District (Rek'Sai) - Hard

  • The Outskirts (Briar) - Hard

  • Subterranean Lab (Bal'Veth) - Hard

  • The Beachhead (Aatrox) - Hard

  • Warehouse District (Rek'Sai) - Extreme

  • The Outskirts (Briar) - Extreme

  • Subterranean Lab (Bal'Veth) - Extreme

  • The Beachhead (Aatrox) - Extreme

In these runs, the goal is to kill the boss as fast as possible. You are allowed to pick any champion, as well as playing with 1, 2 or even 3 teammates with you!

In addition, with the release of Aurora, her jungle clear level is now available.

Remember to join the Discord Server ^^

Thank you for reading.

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Publié 8 months ago par


From absolutely nowhere Riot decided to launch the new A.I. bots system that was implemented a while back in Co-op vs A.I. into Custom Games. That messes up with a lot of categories and how the games were set up, and we are currently trying to get in contact with Riot to confirm whether they have any additional changes in store for us. Due to the large scale of changes, we decided to create a new season (Season 14, post bot rework) starting from patch 14.12.

How does the new system work?

Now, instead of organizing the bots like we were doing, we have the option to assign bots to go to any lane regardless the order we add them. This adds a few interesting things like sending all bots into one lane for example.

Another feature is the addition to the difficulty "Intro", the lowest A.I difficulty that wasn’t present before in customs.

Rules and Changes:

  • All the new champions added to Custom Games are available.
  • "Intro" dificulty is now aviable.
  • Any bot can be assigned any role (i.e. 4 ADC + 1 Jungle; 5 Supports; 3 Toplane + 2 Midlane; etc).
  • Any amount of any champion can be chosen (i.e. 5 Blitzcranks; 2 Kai'Sas + 3 Maokais).

In case you have any question or suggest, join the Discord Server to let us know!

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Publié 8 months ago par


Thanks to everyone who played in the 5 Deaths category in the past two weeks! Due to the good acceptance of the category we decided to do a few changes:

  • 5 Deaths will be a permanent category.
  • 5 Deaths - Summoner's Rift sub-category will be created.

Obviously all the old runs are going to still be on "5 Deaths - Howling Abyss", we are just opening the door for a new record to be set; luckily this time we won't have a tie on the same exact frame...

Remember to join the Discord Server. Thank you for reading!

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Publié 9 months ago par

Celebrating the new ranked split, we decided to introduce some categories:

Stacks subcategories:

Magical Footwear: Obtain the boots from the Magical Footwear sub-rune.

Symbiotic Soles: Obtain the upgrade version of Synchronized Souls (new mobility boots).

Jack of all Trades: Stack Jack of all Trades at its max capacity.

Stats sub-categories:

Heal and Shield power: Obtain 50% heal and shield power – Riot made this a trackable stat in-game, so it is finally here.

Individual category – 5 Deaths:

A week ago we made a poll on Discord about adding a X amount of Deaths Speedrun. More than 60% of people voted yes, so we are adding it as a category that will last for some time. If it is well received, we may consider making it a permanent category. If not, then it may be removed/archived after some time.

Thank you for reading. Join the Discord Server to not miss any announcement we might do on the future!

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Publié 10 months ago par

Hello everyone

Here are some updates to the game starting on patch 14.8:

  • Jungle clear rules: Starting now, the 'Reset game' command is now allowed for jungle clears done in practice tool. With this comes some limitations around your runes; time-related runes such as gathering storm and conditioning are not allowed if you use this command. Furthermore, runes that don't have an impact on clears at all are allowed now no matter their pick rate; runes only working against/with other champions.

  • Kai'Sa stacks: A stack subcategory is now available for Kai'Sa - with the goal of evolving all 3 of your basic abilities.

  • Support Item: A stack subcategory for the support item completion (acquire Celestial Opposition, Dream Maker, Zaz'Zak's Realmspike, Solstice Sleigh, or Bloodsong). This sub-category allows for a teammate; either A.I or human.

Remember to join the Discord Server! Thanks for reading ^^

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Publié 10 months ago par


Today we have a few thinks to talk about, going from most impactful we have:

  • The Skarner Rework:

We already have archived the Pre-Rework Skarnar jungle clear to give place to the new and amazing Skarner, the Primordial Sovereign. The champion is expected to be updated in April 3rd, along with patch 14.7.

  • New AI system for bots:

Riot had this in mind for a few months now, and we just got a new version of bots to play against! What does it mean for the speedrunning community? Do we have to update every record in the page? The answer is no, we don't have to change anything but from just a small sub-category (5v5 Co-op vs AI), so, apart from that one, everything will remain the same as it is!

  • Draven, Shyvana and Thresh Stacks nerf:

All of these champions' stacking categories are getting a small tweek, these being their stacks needed getting cut by half;

  1. Draven: Adoration stacks needed changed from 1000 stacks to 500 stacks.
  2. Shyvana: Armor and Magic Resist from passive changed from 50 extra to 25 extra.
  3. Thresh: Souls needed changed from 200 stacks to 100 stacks.

We intend to make these sub-categories a little bit more entertaining to play, and hopefully encourage more people to try them.

And that's all! Remember to join the Discord Server for any question/request that you might have in mind. I hope to see you in the next post, have a nice day!

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Publié 11 months ago par


From the verifiers and moderators team, we decided it would be an improvement to add and change some features and rules about the game:

  1. The background image and portrait of the game will be updated every so often to keep the page looking a little fresher.
  2. We will add milliseconds to the 1st place(s) of every category! This is a massive improvement for categories like 1000 Movement Speed or 100 CS, because now a run can take 1st place and not stay in a tie (unless you happen to tie with another player even with milliseconds). This rule only applies to runs that are or will be 1st place, so players that doesn't have a 1st place run do not have to worry about this. I know what you are thinking... and the answer is no, you won't have to use an external timer system like LiveSplit or a timer made in an editing software like After Effects; we, the verifiers/mods, will measure your run to calculate the exact milliseconds it ended and, based on that, rank your run in the leaderboard (while it isn’t necessary, it would still be very helpful for us if a run is submitted with milliseconds inputted).
  3. You can no longer use 2x speed at the END of a run. The effect of this will be minimal since most runners only have 2x speed enabled at the start/lull of a run anyways. But if you are used to uploading entire runs at 2x speed, it may unfortunately be rejected.

That's all we have to show off! Thank you for reading and have a good day ^^

Remember to join the Discord server to be up to date with the announcements and changes that we might do in the future.

Thanks for reading, the mod team.

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Publié 1 year ago par

Hello everyone!

A new category Stats is available now for speedrunning. The goal of this category is to obtain a certain amount of a single stat through whatever means.

This category currently contains the following subcategories:

  • AD
  • AP
  • Crit
  • Armor
  • MR
  • AS
  • AH
  • HP
  • Mana
  • MS
  • Omnivamp
  • Lifesteal
  • Magic Pen (flat)
  • Magic Pen (percent)
  • Lethality
  • Armor penetration

The list is not finalized and is subject to change. The amount of stats required for each subcategory is also potentially subject to change. There are individual rules for each subcategory.

QoL update:

  • Archived pre-rework jungle clears so they don't clot up space when viewing levels (can still be viewed scrolling to bottom) (currently contains ASol, Mundo, TK, Udyr)
  • Stacks category now has its sub-categories organized in button group rather than dropdown for easier access.
  • Reordered some stacks subcategory.

Thanks for reading,

The Mod Team

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Publié 1 year ago par

We decided to regroup all the categories "Epic Monsters" and "Scuttle Crab" as one category "Jungling". As such all the runs will be move together, it may take some time, sorry for the inconvenience.

The Mod Team

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