couple things since there is a WR vod now
5 years ago
Ohio, USA

First thing, if you have trouble seeing this game crank up your brightness A LOT

This run isn't that optimized at all. Lost about 15 seconds just in level 13 to a simple routing mistake.

I could see 51xx being reasonably doable but not sure how realistic sub 50 is.

There are no known skips or glitches at the time of this run. The only notable thing I've seen is sometimes the game will crash if you get too much lag.

The worst thing I'd say is the mini boss guy that appears in several levels. His cycle seems random? But I honestly have no idea how to speed up these fights.

Aside from that it's extremely straightforward. Use Butch because of high movement speed and armor plus great crowd control. You need the AoE damage to burn through the walls of rats.

Learn level layouts and where all item pickups are.

The most important ones are the invincibility items.

Health routing isn't really a thing.. a lot of times it's faster to keep moving forward and die than it is to go out of the way for a health refill.

Same goes for ammo and attack power. Most of the time you can do without being powered up enough to use ammo and do just fine.

The main thing is to just move forward and do your best to avoid slowing down for any reason.. fighting enemies, getting stuck on random things..

If I improve this run at all I will cut out a ton of item pickups.

I'd say it's probably best to have the maps memorized to the point that you can focus on health management and supers rather than watching the mini map. But actually grinding it out to that point idk..

For practice I made a save file for every level after Lv1 and did IL grinds until I was ok with the routing.

Only other notable thing I guess is hold start through the results screens and cutscenes to get through them on the first possible frame.

It's probably possible to route health and supers in away that's more consistent but the damage you take is really random at times. It's pretty often that you'll die right before an important health refill.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago
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